DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC63933 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
db2loggr trapped with SIGSEGV while expanding transaction table entris with the following stack traces: <StackTrace> -------Frame------ ------Function + Offset------ 0x09000000023CD538 sqlpScanTranTableForLowTran + 0x17C 0x09000000023CD95C sqlpLoggrScanTranTableForLowTran + 0x13C 0x0900000002D97E8C sqlpgasn__FPcUi + 0xA1C 0x090000000201164C sqloCreateEDU + 0x270 0x09000000020125C4 sqloRunGDS + 0x28C 0x0900000002011C9C sqloInitEDUServices + 0x390 0x0900000002007204 sqloSystemControllerMain + 0x4BC 0x0900000002006490 sqloRunInstance + 0xC0 0x00000001000029F8 DB2main + 0x930 0x0000000100003D50 main + 0x10 </StackTrace> The following error messages showed in db2diag.log: PID : 136538 TID : 1 PROC : db2loggr (CRD_PROD) 100 INSTANCE: db2bofa1 NODE : 100 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, pdInvokeCalloutScript, probe:10 START : Invoking /home/dba/db2bofa1/sqllib/bin/db2cos from oper system services sqloEDUCodeTrapHandler 2009-02-21- I1958518A319 LEVEL: Event PID : 136538 TID : 1 PROC : db2loggr (CRD_PROD) 100 INSTANCE: db2bofa1 NODE : 100 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, pdInvokeCalloutScript, probe:20 STOP : Completed invoking /home/dba/db2bofa1/sqllib/bin/db2cos 2009-02-21- E1958838A525 LEVEL: Severe PID : 136538 TID : 1 PROC : db2loggr (CRD_PROD) 100 INSTANCE: db2bofa1 NODE : 100 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloEDUCodeTrapHandler, probe:10 MESSAGE : ADM0503C An unexpected internal processing error has occurred. ALL DB2 PROCESSES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS INSTANCE HAVE BEEN SHUTDOWN. Diagnostic information has been recorded. Contact IBM Support for further assistance. | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
The problem was due to a timing issue which caused a variable to be referenced by one process before it was initialized by another. | |
Local-Fix: | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
The problem has been corrected such that the variable in question is initalized before being used. | |
Workaround | |
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 22.10.2009 28.10.2009 28.10.2009 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | |