DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC64023 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
There is a small timing window that can hang logger processes during database deactivation. You may also run into this hang on a standby HADR database. To verify this APAR, collect callstacks for db2redom (redo master) process and verify the callstacks, it should match the following. 0x09000000004E23D0 _p_nsleep + 0x10 0x090000000005D3B0 nsleep + 0xB0 0x090000000010746C nanosleep + 0x140 0x0900000000BCED0C ossSleep + 0x74 0x09000000052D2DF4 sqlorest + 0x38 0x0900000005171164 sqlpPRecReadLog__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbP8SQLP_ACBP9SQLP_DBCB + 0x704 0x090000000451E8C4 sqlpParallelRecovery__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbP5sqlca + 0x10 0x09000000050E70B8 sqleSubCoordProcessRequest__FP13sqle_agent_cb + 0x1C0 0x0900000004E9BD14 sqleRunAgent__FPcUi + 0x95C 0x0900000004F1BE4C sqloCreateEDU__FPFPcUi_vPcUlP13SQLO_EDU_INFOPi + 0x264 0x0900000004F1E288 sqloSpawnEDU + 0x234 0x0900000004F1DBB4 sqleCreateNewAgent__FiP8sqlekrcbP17sqlcc_init_structP16sqlkdRqst RplyFmtP18sqle_master_app_cbT1P20agentPoolLatchVectorP16SQLO_EDU WAITPOSTP17sqle_connect_infoPP13sqle_agent_cb + 0x28C 0x0900000005082C18 sqleGetAgentFromPool__FiP17sqlcc_init_structT1P12sqlz_app_hdlP16 sqlkdRqstRplyFmtP17sqle_connect_info + 0x82C 0x0900000005427AA8 sqleGetAgent__FiP17sqlcc_init_structT1P12sqlz_app_hdlP16sqlkdRqs tRplyFmtT1 + 0x44C 0x0000000100004F0C sqleInitSysCtlr__FPi + 0x1188 0x00000001000031D4 sqleSysCtlr__Fv + 0x320 0x0900000004A155CC @49@sqloSystemControllerMain__FCUiPFv_iPFi_vPPvCPi + 0x520 0x090000000541B498 sqloRunInstance + 0xA8 0x00000001000029F8 DB2main + 0x930 0x0000000100003D50 main + 0x10 | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * all users * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * There is a small timing window that can hang logger * * processes during database deactivation. You may also run * * into this hang on a standby HADR database. To verify this * * APAR, collect callstacks for db2redom (redomaster) process * * and verify the callstacks, it should match the following. * * 0x09000000004E23D0 _p_nsleep + 0x10 * * 0x090000000005D3B0 nsleep + 0xB0 * * 0x090000000010746C nanosleep + 0x140 * * 0x0900000000BCED0C ossSleep + 0x74 * * 0x09000000052D2DF4 sqlorest + 0x38 * * 0x0900000005171164sqlpPRecReadLog__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbP8S * 0x090000000451E8C4sqlpParallelRecovery__FP20sqle_agent_private * + 0x10 * * 0x09000000050E70B8sqleSubCoordProcessRequest__FP13sqle_agent_c * + 0x1C0 * * 0x0900000004E9BD14 sqleRunAgent__FPcUi + 0x95C * * 0x0900000004F1BE4CsqloCreateEDU__FPFPcUi_vPcUlP13SQLO_EDU_INFO * + 0x264 * * 0x0900000004F1E288 sqloSpawnEDU + 0x234 * * 0x0900000004F1DBB4sqleCreateNewAgent__FiP8sqlekrcbP17sqlcc_ini * + 0x28C * * 0x0900000005082C18sqleGetAgentFromPool__FiP17sqlcc_init_struct * + 0x82C * * 0x0900000005427AA8sqleGetAgent__FiP17sqlcc_init_structT1P12sql * + 0x44C * * 0x0000000100004F0C sqleInitSysCtlr__FPi + 0x1188 * * 0x00000001000031D4 sqleSysCtlr__Fv + 0x320 * * 0x0900000004A155CC@49@sqloSystemControllerMain__FCUiPFv_iPFi_v * + 0x520 * * 0x090000000541B498 sqloRunInstance + 0xA80x00000001000029F8 * * DB2main + 0x930 * * 0x0000000100003D50 main + 0x10 * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to DB2 UDB version 9.7 fix pack 2. * **************************************************************** | |
Local-Fix: | |
Use db2_kill to completely stop the database and remove the IPC resources. | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
Problem is first fixed in DB2 UDB version 9.7 fix pack 2. | |
Workaround | |
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 22.10.2009 18.02.2010 18.02.2010 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.7.FP2 | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | |