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DB2 - Problembeschreibung

Problem IC66608 Status: Geschlossen


After the APAR fix, the error messages from function 
sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat will be logged as INFO 
message in db2diag.log. For example when DB2 return sqlcode 
SQL20448N for incorrect date format, the following message is 
logged on db2diag.log as error. 
2010-01-20- I26148441A498      LEVEL: Error 
PID     : 643244               TID  : 7489        PROC : db2sysc 
INSTANCE: svtdbm4              NODE : 000         DB   : PROTEUS 
APPHDL  : 0-30481              APPID: 
EDUID   : 7489                 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, National Language Support, 
sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat_U500, probe:0 
MESSAGE : sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat: Unexpected Error. 
After the fix, the above message and similar messages will be 
logged as INFO in db2diag.log instead of error.
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              * 
* ALL                                                          * 
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         * 
* APAR Information                                             * 
* APAR Closing Information                                     * 
* Related Elements                                             * 
* FlagSet/Integrity                                            * 
* Reroute/Sysroute                                             * 
* Assign/S2Update                                              * 
* Fixtest                                                      * 
* Source PMR                                                   * 
* Reviews and Notification                                     * 
* ALM                                                          * 
* APAR History                                                 * 
* ID                                                           * 
* Name                                                         * 
* State                                                        * 
* Severity                                                     * 
* Component ID                                                 * 
* Release                                                      * 
* Status Detail                                                * 
* Contact Phone                                                * 
* System Level                                                 * 
* Customer Name                                                * 
* Customer No.                                                 * 
* PMR Name                                                     * 
* Change Team                                                  * 
* Symptom                                                      * 
* Keyword                                                      * 
*  Combo Box Down ArrowCombo Box Down Arrow                    * 
* High Impact PERvasive                                        * 
* Security/Integrity                                           * 
* Submit Date                                                  * 
* Receipt Date                                                 * 
* Closed Date                                                  * 
* Close Code                                                   * 
* Security/Integrity Rating                                    * 
* Sysrouted From                                               * 
* Sysrouted To                                                 * 
* Last Changed Date/Time                                       * 
* Calendar IconCalendar Icon                                   * 
* Type                                                         * 
* Abstract                                                     * 
* The messages logged by sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat   * 
* function in db2diag.log are logged as INFO instead of ERROR. * 
* Error Description                                            * 
* After the APAR fix, the error messages from function         * 
* sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat will be logged as INFO   * 
* message in db2diag.log. For example when DB2 return sqlcode  * 
* SQL20448N for incorrect date format, the followign message   * 
* is logged on db2diag.log: 2010-01-20-     * 
* I26148441A498 LEVEL: Error PID : 643244 TID : 7489 PROC :    * 
* db2sysc INSTANCE: svtdbm4 NODE : 000 DB : PROTEUS APPHDL :   * 
* 0-30481 APPID: *LOCAL.svtdbm4.100125162505 AUTHID : SVTDBM4  * 
* EDUID : 7489 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) FUNCTION: DB2 UDB,   * 
* National Language Support,                                   * 
* sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat_U500, probe:0 MESSAGE :  * 
* sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat: Unexpected Error. After * 
* the fix, the above message and similar messages will be      * 
* logged as INFO in db2diag.log instead of error.              * 
* Local Fix                                                    * 
* Materials Submitted                                          * 
* URLWebsite URL                                               * 
* $strings/str[@id='btnLinks']                                 * 
* SPoRT version at APAR creation:                              * 
* Mastership belongs to: the replica site where this record    * 
* can be modified                                              * 
*  Combo Box Down ArrowCombo Box Down Arrow                    * 
* Close Code                                                   * 
* Name                                                         * 
* Reason Code                                                  * 
* Release                                                      * 
* Return Code                                                  * 
* Fix Rel.                                                     * 
* Failing Module                                               * 
* Failing Level/SU                                             * 
* Applicable Rels                                              * 
* =>                                                           * 
* $strings/str[@id='btnSelectValues']$strings/str[@id='btnSelect 
* Test Rel.                                                    * 
* Support Code                                                 * 
* Original APAR                                                * 
* Users Affected: (describe the specific software/hardware     * 
* environment in which the problem occurs)                     * 
* SRLS/Documentation                                           * 
* $strings/str[@id='btnSelectValues']$strings/str[@id='btnSelect 
* Modules/Macros changed                                       * 
* $strings/str[@id='btnSelectValues']$strings/str[@id='btnSelect 
* Problem Description: (describe the problem including         * 
* external symptoms as seen by the customer)                   * 
* Problem Conclusion: (Include product/doc version containing  * 
* this fix + new behavior changes as seen by customer)         * 
* Recommendation: (describe customer actions to resolve the    * 
* problem, e.g "Upgrade to 'product' version x.xx.xxx")        * 
* Comments                                                     * 
* Circumvention                                                * 
* Temporary Fix                                                * 
* Defects                                                      * 
*  #   id    Component    Originator    State    Abstract      * 
* 1    wsdbu00612497    engn_nls    hasumim    Working         * 
* db2_v97fp2 n100114: sqlnlsICUConvertToDefaultDateFormat:     * 
* Unexpected Error.                                            * 
* Security/Integrity                                           * 
* Security/Integrity                                           * 
*  Combo Box Down ArrowCombo Box Down Arrow                    * 
* Flag Set                                                     * 
* Flag Set Option                                              * 
* PE PTF                                                       * 
* Special Activity                                             * 
* HIPER Relief                                                 * 
*  Combo Box Down ArrowCombo Box Down Arrow                    * 
* Data Loss                                                    * 
* Pervasive HIPER                                              * 
* Product Specific                                             * 
* Function Loss                                                * 
* System Outage                                                * 
* MSYSPLEX HIPER                                               * 
* Performance                                                  * 
* XSYSTEM HIPER                                                * 
* Reason Code                                                  * 
*  Combo Box Down ArrowCombo Box Down Arrow                    * 
* Specific Keyword                                             * 
*  Combo Box Down ArrowCombo Box Down Arrow                    * 
* Support Code                                                 * 
* Installability                                               * 
* New Function                                                 * 
* Pervasive Special                                            * 
* XSYSTEM Special                                              * 
* Serviceability                                               * 
* Select one of the following Sysroute options                 * 
* New INTRAN APAR                                              * 
* New CLOSED APAR                                              * 
* New INTRAN APAR, Cancel Original APAR                        * 
* Reroute                                                      * 
* Current Component                                            * 
* New Component                                                * 
* Current Release                                              * 
* Populate ->                                                  * 
* New Release                                                  * 
* Current ChangeTeam                                           * 
* New Change Team                                              * 
* Sysroute                                                     * 
* To Component                                                 * 
* Populate ->                                                  * 
* To Release                                                   * 
* To Change Team                                               * 
* Contact Name                                                 * 
* S2Update                                                     * 
* Summary Page 2 Fields                                        * 
* Type of Relief                                               * 
* Original Target Date                                         * 
* Status Detail                                                * 
* Current Target Date                                          * 
* RETAIN New Value                                             * 
* Calendar IconCalendar Icon                                   * 
* Type of Solution                                             * 
* Fix Req'd by Date                                            * 
* Calendar IconCalendar Icon                                   * 
* PTF Target Date                                              * 
* Calendar IconCalendar Icon                                   * 
* Projected Close Code                                         * 
* Assign                                                       * 
* Assign "To" Value for RETAIN                                 * 
* Temporary Fix Data                                           * 
* PMR Name                                                     * 
* Queue                                                        * 
* Center                                                       * 
* PMR Open Date                                                * 
* Calendar IconCalendar Icon                                   * 
* PMR Information:                                             * 
* Review Activity :                                            * 
*  #   id    aparName    State    Reviewer    ReviewType       * 
* APAR Notification List :                                     * 
* Add                                                          * 
* Remove                                                       * 
*    #   login_name    email    fullname                       * 
*   1    anjuk    ANJUK@ca.ibm.com     "Kaushik, Anju (A.)"    * 
* ALM Requests :                                               * 
*  #   id    Project    Category    Owner                      * 
* Dates:                                                       * 
* Opened Date :                                                * 
* Last Updated :                                               * 
* Calendar IconCalendar Icon                                   * 
* Receipt Date :                                               * 
* Closed Date :                                                * 
*  Date/Time    User Name    Action:    Old State    New State * 
*                                                              * 
*  2010-02-23 14:58:20     anjuk     Submit     no_value       * 
* DRAFT                                                        * 
* * red text indicates required information                    * 
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              * 
* Update to the next release                                   * 
verfügbare FixPacks:
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 6 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 8 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix
Vorgänger  : APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following: IC66640 
Nachfolger : 
Weitere Daten
Datum - Problem gemeldet    :
Datum - Problem geschlossen :
Datum - der letzten Änderung:
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos)
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version FixList