DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC68846 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
When the bufferpool is being resized by STMM, the SET WRITE SUSPEND command will need to wait behind the resize operations until it is finish. Sometimes the resize can take a long time, and also it is unpredictable when STMM will trigger the resize. This can therefore pose a difficulty to users who hope to perform SET WRITE SUSPEND in fixed maintenance window. . When this issue happens, the STMM agent is usually in the waiting state under the following codepath. . 0x09000000042E737C getConflictComplex__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64FCUl + 0x244 0x09000000042E6F1C getConflict__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64FCUl + 0x20 0x090000000381680C sqlbSecurePageProtection__FP15SQLB_BufferPoolP8SQLB_BPDPP22SQLB_ HASH_BUCKET_GROUPP12SQLB_GLOBALS + 0x644 0x0900000003814DF0 sqlbRemInvalidPagesFromBufferPool__FP15SQLB_BufferPoolUiN32P12SQ LB_GLOBALS + 0x121C 0x09000000038122D4 sqlbDecreaseBufferpoolSize__FP15SQLB_BufferPoolP21SQLB_BP_UC_ALT ER_INFOP12SQLB_GLOBALS + 0x4EC 0x0900000003810C48 sqlbResizeBufferPool__FP15SQLB_BufferPoolP21SQLB_BP_UC_ALTER_INF OP12SQLB_GLOBALS + 0x230 0x0900000003826B64 sqlbAlterAutomaticBufferPool__FUiiP20sqle_agent_privatecb + 0x630 0x0900000003D8312C sqlrlStmmAlterBufferPool__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbPciT3 + 0x2D0 0x0900000003DA533C stmmDecreaseBufferPoolInBlocks__FP21stmmCostBenefitRecord + 0x8D8 0x0900000003DA3AD8 stmmResizeRecord__FP21stmmCostBenefitRecordP8sqledbcb + 0xA6C 0x0900000003DA2470 stmmDecreaseEntriesAndRemoveFromList__FP8sqledbcbPP21stmmCostBen efitRecordPUi + 0x82C 0x0900000003DA1450 stmmResizeEntriesAndRemoveFromList__FPP21stmmCostBenefitRecordP8 sqledbcb + 0xBC 0x0900000003DA0FD0 stmmTuneMemory__FPP21stmmCostBenefitRecordP8sqledbcb + 0x110 0x090000000439BB4C stmmMemoryTunerMain + 0x238 | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
SET WRITE SUSPEND consistently fails with SQL1550N RC=5 when the bufferpool is STMM enabled. | |
Local-Fix: | |
Avoid doing SET WRITE SUSPEND when STMM is busy (i.e. change in workload that causes STMM to need to resize the bufferpool). . Turn off STMM momentarily for SET WRITE SUSPEND if STMM is not already in action. | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
The WRITE SUSPEND latch is being help by the STMM process, as it resizes the various bufferpools. Due to this, the SET WRITE SUSPEND command makes 3 attempts to grab the latch before finally failing with the SQL1550N error with RC=5. | |
Workaround | |
Avoid doing SET WRITE SUSPEND when STMM is busy (i.e. change in workload that causes STMM to need to resize the bufferpool). Turn off STMM momentarily for SET WRITE SUSPEND if STMM is not already in action. | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 27.05.2010 12.10.2010 12.10.2010 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | |
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