DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC70683 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
PSM XML queries in DPF may encounter a SQL0901N due to a bad record ID. Sample procedure: create procedure test begin declare v1, v2 xml; -- This is the statement I used when running tests from the clp -- db2 xquery 'let $a := <A> <B> 123 </B> </A> let $b := $a/B return $b/..' set v1 = xmlparse(document '<A> <B> 123 </B> <C> 345 </C> </A>'); -- descend one level. Bindout should make a deep copy, which should -- still retain parent property set v2 = xmlquery('$X//C' passing by ref v1 as X ); -- Verify that v2 is 345 insert into log(tag, value) values(1, xmlcast(v2 as varchar(40))); -- try to navigate up using the parent axis set v1 = xmlquery('$X/..' passing by ref v2 as X ); insert into log(tag, value) values(2, xmlcast(v1 as varchar(40))); end % Call stack leading to this event: [2] 0x00002B4805FFE76D _Z18sqldFixExistingTCBP8sqeAgentP16sqeLocalDatabaseP9SQLP_LSN8ii iiPP8SQLD_TCB + 0x5E9 [3] 0x00002B4809A9D558 _Z23xmlsFixXDATempTCBForRPCP11XMLSTORE_CBtt + 0x6E [4] 0x00002B48083A84AB _Z24xmlrnFixXDATempTCBForRPCP11XMLSTORE_CBP17xmlDataDescriptor + 0x995 [5] 0x00002B480839D792 _Z21sqlrk_RPCRecvFetchXDMP8sqlrr_cbjR16SqlrkXmlRpcReply + 0x760 [6] 0x00002B480839E7E4 _Z16sqlrk_xml_routerP8sqlrr_cbR16SqlrkXmlRpcReplyP16sqlkdRqstRpl yFmtP15SQLR_RPCMESSAGEb + 0x29C [7] 0x00002B48082238D3 _Z16sqlrr_rpc_routerP8sqlrr_cb + 0x14D7 [8] 0x00002B4808221840 _Z21sqlrr_subagent_routerP8sqeAgentP12SQLE_DB2RA_T + 0x1BBA [9] 0x00002B4806175272 _Z20sqleSubRequestRouterP8sqeAgentPjS1_ + 0xAEC | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * DB2 LUW All * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * Refer to Error Description of this APAR. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to v97FP3 or newer release. * **************************************************************** | |
Local-Fix: | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
The fix is included in v97FP3 and future releases. | |
Workaround | |
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix | |
Bug-Verfolgung | |
Vorgänger : APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following: IC70689 Nachfolger : | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 20.08.2010 23.09.2010 23.09.2010 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.7.FP3 | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | | | |