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DB2 - Problembeschreibung

Problem IC79958 Status: Geschlossen


During an UNDO operation, we hit a disk full condition on the 
temporary tablespace while trying to close a file handle. 
Subsequently, database was marked bad and came down afterward. 
Here's an example from the db2diag.log - 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Error 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : xxxxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqlobufreset, probe:10 
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk full." 
          DIA8312C Disk was full. 
CALLED  : OS, -, fsync                            OSERR: ENOSPC 
DATA #1 : File handle, PD_TYPE_SQO_FILE_HDL, 8 bytes 
0x0000002AA2BFB328 : 8A00 0000 8002 0000 
DATA #2 : String, 105 bytes 
Search for ossError*Analysis probe point after this log entry 
for further 
self-diagnosis of this problem. 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Error 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : xxxxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 Common, OSSe, ossErrorIOAnalysis, probe:100 
CALLED  : OS, -, fsync                            OSERR: ENOSPC 
DATA #1 : String, 132 bytes 
A total of 4 analysis will be performed : 
 - User info 
 - ulimit info 
 - Target file info 
 - File system 
 Target file handle = 138 
DATA #2 : String, 190 bytes 
  Real user ID of current process       = xxxxx 
  Effective user ID of current process  = xxxxx 
  Real group ID of current process      = xxxx 
  Effective group ID of current process = xxxx 
DATA #3 : String, 362 bytes 
Current process limits (unit in bytes except for nofiles) : 
  mem     (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited 
  core    (S/H) = 0 / unlimited 
  cpu     (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited 
  data    (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited 
  fsize   (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited 
  nofiles (S/H) = 65534 / 65534 
  stack   (S/H) = 10485760 / unlimited 
  rss     (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited 
DATA #4 : String, 261 bytes 
Target File Information : 
  Size               = 16384 
  Link               = No 
  Reference path     = N/A 
  Type               = 0x8000 
  Permissions        = rw------- 
  UID                = xxxxx 
  GID                = xxxx 
  Last modified time = 1298765603 
DATA #5 : String, 432 bytes 
File System Information of the target file : 
  Block size        = 32768 bytes 
  Total size        = 402653184000 bytes 
  Free size         = 32768 bytes 
  Total # of inodes = 24802560 
  FS name           = xxxxxx:/xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx 
  Mount point       = /x/xxxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  FSID              = 27 
  FS type name      = nfs 
  DIO/CIO mount opt = None 
  Device type       = N/A 
  FS type           = 0x6969 
  [0] 0x0000002A9684F555 pdOSSeLoggingCallback + 0x91 
  [1] 0x0000002A9BB37C0B /xxx/.exec/x86_64.linux.2.6.glibc.2.3 
/lib64/libdb2osse.so.1 + 0x1AEC0B 
  [2] 0x0000002A9BB38FEB ossLogSysRC + 0xBF 
  [3] 0x0000002A9BB2C6E0 /xxx/.exec/x86_64.linux.2.6.glibc.2.3 
/lib64/libdb2osse.so.1 + 0x1A36E0 
  [4] 0x0000002A9BB2ACF1 ossErrorAnalysis + 0x25 
  [5] 0x0000002A97EBFAC4 sqloSystemErrorHandler + 0x6C0 
  [6] 0x0000002A96C2A3A7 sqlobufreset + 0xFB 
  [7] 0x0000002A968B2A94 sqlbWritePage + 0x1E0 
  [8] 0x0000002A98A3A187 _Z19sqlbGetPageFromDiskP11SQLB_FIX_CBi 
+ 0x173D 
  [9] 0x0000002A98A2B843 _Z7sqlbfixP11SQLB_FIX_CB + 0xB73 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : xxxxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, 
sqlbForceNewPagesToDisk, probe:1235 
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk full." 
          DIA8312C Disk was full. 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : xxxxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, 
SqlbFhdlTbl::closeOneFile, probe:1000 
DATA #1 : String, 38 bytes 
 Obj={pool:15;obj:2;type:16} State=x45 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : xxxxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, 
SqlbFhdlTbl::closeOneFile, probe:0 
DATA #1 : Object descriptor, PD_TYPE_SQLB_OBJECT_DESC, 72 bytes 
    Obj: {pool:15;obj:2;type:16} Parent={9;24} 
  lifeLSN:       01EA0C9C96B2 
  tid:           0 0  0 
  extentAnchor:                   0 
  initEmpPages:                   0 
  poolPage0:                      0 
  poolflags:                    111 
  objectState:                   45 
  lastSMP:                        0 
  pageSize:                   16384 
  extentSize:                    32 
  bufferPoolID:                   4 
  partialHash:            268566543 
  bufferPool:    0x0000002ace3a3800 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : xxxxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldReorgCleanup, probe:10 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : xxxxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldmund, probe:719 
RETCODE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk full." 
          DIA8312C Disk was full. 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : x-xxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldmund, probe:719 
MESSAGE : Error during UNDO of LSN: 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 6 bytes 
0x0000002AA2BFBE12 : 01EA 0C9C 96B2 
2011-xx-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : x-xxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldmund, probe:719 
RETCODE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk full." 
          DIA8312C Disk was full. 
2011-0x-xx-xx.xx.xx.xxxxxx-xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx       LEVEL: Severe 
PID     : xxxx                 TID  : xxxxxxxxxxxx PROC : 
db2sysc xx 
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 0xx          DB   : SAMPLE 
APPHDL  : x-xxxx               APPID: 
AUTHID  : xxxxx 
EDUID   : xxxxx                EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) xx 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldmund, probe:719 
MESSAGE : Error during UNDO of log record: 
DATA #1 : Dumped object of size 5000 bytes at offset 0, 59 bytes 
This APAR will prevent the database from being marked bad when 
we hit a disk full condition on a temporary tablespace during an 
UNDO operation.
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              * 
* ALL                                                          * 
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         * 
* Without this APAR, customer is exposed to the issue as       * 
* described in the "ERROR DESCRIPTION" section.                * 
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              * 
* Upgrade to DB2 Version 9.7, Fixpack 6.                       * 
Be certain to have enough TEMP disk space to eliminate the 
possibility of hitting a 'disk full' condition.
verfügbare FixPacks:
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 6 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 8 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

First fixed in DB2 Version 9.7, Fixpack 6.
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix
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