DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC83636 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / A10 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
When accessing table function SYSPROC.ADMIN_GET_TAB_COMPRESS_INFO, for example: select * from table(sysproc.admin_get_tab_compress_info('S1','T1')) it may return the following error: SQL0901N The SQL statement or command failed because of a database system error. In db2diag.log error SQLO_MEM_SIZE "Mem Mgt invalid size" can be found: FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqlogmblkEx, probe:1000 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x820F0004=-2112946172=SQLO_MEM_SIZE "Mem Mgt invalid size" DIA8563C An invalid memory size was requested. DATA #1 : String, 43 bytes Memory management block allocation failure. DATA #2 : Codepath, 8 bytes 2 DATA #3 : Memory pool handle pointer, PD_TYPE_MEM_POOL_HANDLE_PTR, 8 bytes 0x0000000000000000 DATA #4 : Requested size, PD_TYPE_MEM_REQUESTED_SIZE, 8 bytes 0 DATA #5 : Adjusted block size, PD_TYPE_MEM_ADJUSTED_SIZE, 8 bytes 0 DATA #6 : Options for requested block, PD_TYPE_GET_MEM_OPTIONS, 4 bytes 0x00000000 DATA #7 : Pointer to address that will be set by new allocation, PD_TYPE_PTR_TO_ADDRESS_OUT, 8 bytes 0x070000000cfec388 DATA #8 : File name, PD_TYPE_OSS_MEM_FILE_NAME, 10 bytes sqldmpgs.C DATA #9 : Line of code, PD_TYPE_OSS_MEM_LINE_NUM, 8 bytes 4024 DATA #10: Resource binding pointer, PD_TYPE_RESOURCE_BINDING_PTR, 8 bytes 0x0000000000000000 CALLSTCK: (Static functions may not be resolved correctly, as they are resolved to the nearest symbol) [0] 0x0900000014F38270 sqlogmblkEx + 0x380 [1] 0x0900000019A936C8 sqldGlobalObjPages2PoolRIDs__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_CCBP12SQLD_ID_LIS T + 0x7EC [2] 0x09000000180BBBF0 sqldGenPIDListForEstimate__FP20SQLD_SAMPLINGPRED_CBP8SQLD_CCBP12 SQLD_ID_LIST + 0xAD4 [3] 0x09000000180BA5A4 sqldSampleByPageForEstimate__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_TCBP8SQLD_CCBP20S QLD_SAMPLINGPRED_CB + 0x620 [4] 0x0900000019616FA8 sqldBuildDictionary__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORKP13SQLD_REORG_CBUiPcPP15sq ldDictBuilderPP18SQLD_TCB_DICT_INFOP20SQLD_SAMPLINGPRED_CB + 0x101C [5] 0x0900000019A91284 sqldBuildDictionaryForEstimate__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_TCBP13SQLD_DFM _WORKUiPcP20SQLD_SAMPLINGPRED_CBP18SQLD_TAB_DICT_INFO + 0x104 [6] 0x0900000019ADF8AC sqldGetCompEstimateInfo__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_TCBUlP18SQLD_TAB_COMP _INFO + 0x530 [7] 0x0900000015D69040 sqldGetTableDataForPermOrTemp__FP8sqeAgentP19SQLD_TABLE_DATA_REQ P15SQLD_TABLE_DATAUsT4UcT4Ul + 0x36E8 [8] 0x09000000176188EC sqldGetTableDataForDataPartition__FP8sqeAgentP19SQLD_TABLE_DATA_ REQP15SQLD_TABLE_DATAP8SQLD_TCBUsUl + 0xD8 [9] 0x09000000175D8664 sqldGetTableDataForGlobal__FP8sqeAgentP19SQLD_TABLE_DATA_REQP15S QLD_TABLE_DATA + 0xAE0 [10] 0x0900000015A098AC sqldGetTableData__FP8sqeAgentP19SQLD_TABLE_DATA_REQP15SQLD_TABLE _DATA + 0x324 [11] 0x09000000194DFF88 sqlrlAdminGetTabInfo__FP20sqlrl_adm_tabinfo_cb + 0x950 [12] 0x09000000169214DC sqlerTrustedRtnCallbackRouter__FUiPPv + 0x3D8 [13] 0x0900000020BF1D68 call_get_tab_info__FPcT1UiPsT4P16sqludf_call_typePFUiPPv_iP23adm inTabInfoScratchAreaP5sqlca + 0x368 [14] 0x0900000020BF3E80 admin_get_tab_compress_estimate + 0xC0 ... The problem is more likely to happen for tablespaces not using reclaimable storage and there are a lot of free extents. | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * ALL * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1 * **************************************************************** | |
Local-Fix: | |
Recreate the tablespaces so that they become reclaimable storage | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
First fixed in Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1 | |
Workaround | |
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 22.05.2012 27.11.2012 27.11.2012 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | | | |