DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC84825 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
RUNSTATS failed during sanity check due to an overflow. In the db2diag, you will see the following entries: 2010-09-27- I4021583E1557 LEVEL: Severe PID : 15558 TID : 183127501152 PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: xxx NODE : 000 DB : xxxx APPHDL : 0-41405 APPID: *LOCAL.xxxxxx.100925060117 AUTHID : xxxxx EDUID : 69 EDUNAME: db2agent (xxxx) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, XML Node Manager, XmlrnStatsCheckSanity, probe:20 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x82A40001=-2103181311=XMLRN_PRG_ERR "XMRN unexpected system error" DIA8532C An internal processing error has occurred. DATA #1 : String, 29 bytes XML Stats Sanity check failed CALLSTCK: [0] 0x0000002A9684EF87 pdLog + 0xD7 [1] 0x0000002A989B5D39 _ZN10XmlrnStats11checkSanityEi + 0x715 [2] 0x0000002A989B740D _ZN14XmlrnStatsInfo11checkSanityEi + 0xA7 [3] 0x0000002A989BA047 _Z21XmlrnStatsCheckSanityP13SQLO_MEM_POOLP8sqlrg_pdi + 0x71 [4] 0x0000002A980702DC _Z20sqlr_update_catalogsP8sqlrr_cbP11sqlrrstringS 2_P10SQLD_TSTATiPP10SQLD_ISTATPiPP8sqlrg_pdP5sqlcaiP14sqlrg_node cardtjm+ 0x4004 [5] 0x0000002A9805CF65 _Z17sqlrLocalRunstatsP8sqlrr_cbP11sqlrrstringS2_S 2_httPP8sqlrg_pdiiiiP16sqlrl_stats_colsPPsjPPtjdjtPP20sqlr_runst ats_resultS8_m + 0x227B [6] 0x0000002A980559D4 _Z8sqlrrstaP8sqlrr_cbP11sqlrrstringS2_S2_hhP17sqlrl_stats_parmsP KhPs + 0xD1E [7] 0x0000002A980A1940 _Z17sqlrr_runstats_DAP5sqldaP5sqlca + 0x852 [8] 0x0000002A96976ADB _Z19sqlerKnownProcedureiPcPiP5sqldaS2_P13sqlerFmpTableP8sqeAgent P5sqlca + 0x6B7 [9] 0x0000002A9697858A _Z11sqlerCallDLP14db2UCinterfaceP9UCstpInfo + 0x35A | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * Tables with XML data are effected by this APAR. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * Runstats may fail during sanity checking. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Please upgrade to DB2 9.7 FP5 or later to avoid this issue. * **************************************************************** | |
Local-Fix: | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
Problem fixed in DB2 Version 9.7 Fix pack 5 | |
Workaround | |
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.7.FP5 | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | |