DB2 - Problembeschreibung
Problem IC91768 | Status: Geschlossen |
Produkt: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / A10 - DB2 | |
Problembeschreibung: | |
There are 2 issues failed for round-up issue when fetch data from SQL SERVER datetime/datetime2 column in v97fp7. Issue 1: Select from nickname where the query condition is a timestamp column from local table, the output is incorrect. SELECT * FROM t83131 C1 -------------------------- 2010-05-06- 1 record(s) selected. SELECT max(c1) FROm t83131_db2 C1 -------------------------- 2010-05-05 23:59:59.999000 -- With DB2 9.7 FP5 SELECT * FROM t83131 where c1=(SELECT max(c1) FROm t83131_db2) C1 -------------------------- 2010-05-06- 1 record(s) selected. -- With DB2 9.7 FP7 SELECT * FROM t83131 where c1=(SELECT max(c1) FROm t83131_db2) C1 -------------------------- - 0 record(s) selected. Issue 2: Select from nickname where the query condition is a timestamp constant string, the output is incorrect. SELECT * FROM t83131 C1 -------------------------- 2010-05-06- 1 record(s) selected. SELECT max(c1) FROm t83131_db2 C1 -------------------------- 2010-05-05 23:59:59.999000 -- With DB2 9.7 FP5 SELECT * FROM t83131 where c1= '2010-05-05 23:59:59.999' C1 -------------------------- 2010-05-06- 1 record(s) selected. -- With DB2 9.7 FP7 SELECT * FROM t83131 where c1= '2010-05-05 23:59:59.999' C1 -------------------------- - 0 record(s) selected. | |
Problem-Zusammenfassung: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * INCORRECT OUTPUT OF DATETIME AND DATETIME2 IN SQL SERVER * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to versiom 10.1 fixpack 3. * **************************************************************** | |
Local-Fix: | |
verfügbare FixPacks: | |
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Lösung | |
This is fixed in version 10.1 fixpack 3. | |
Workaround | |
keiner bekannt / siehe Local-Fix | |
Weitere Daten | |
Datum - Problem gemeldet : Datum - Problem geschlossen : Datum - der letzten Änderung: | 22.04.2013 30.10.2013 30.10.2013 |
Problem behoben ab folgender Versionen (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem behoben lt. FixList in der Version | | | | |