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DB2 - Problem description

Problem IC62289 Status: Closed

Recursive loop in sqlischd caused by an incorrect high key on an
intermediate index node.

Problem description:
When a new highest index key value is inserted to an index leaf 
node, DB2 will update the corresponding index key value on a 
level 2 intermediate node. If the index key value on the level 2 
intermediate node happens to be the highest index key value on 
the node, DB2 will update the corresponding index key value on a 
level 3 intermediate or root node. Under a very small timing 
hole, DB2 may miss the update on the level 3 node. As a result, 
the index is corrupted. This problem applies to indexes which 
have more than 2 index levels. 
For example, this problem might be found as a "hang" issue that 
happens at backward phase of a crash recovery. 
To identify this problem, issue "db2pd -util" or "db2 list 
ulitilities show detail" commands and we will find crash 
recovery stop to progress at the backward phase of crash 
recovery.  Then, from db2 trace, we found crash recovery was 
stuck in a recursive loop as follows: 
27     sqlischd data [probe 10] 
28     sqlischd data [probe 11] 
29     sqlischd data [probe 12] 
30     | sqlilkey entry 
31     | sqlilkey data [probe 0] 
32     | sqlilkey data [probe 1] 
33     | | sqliBinSearchFirstRidOrNext entry 
34     | | sqliBinSearchFirstRidOrNext exit [rc = 
0x8009007B = -2146893701 = SQLI_NEXT] 
35     | sqlilkey data [probe 20] 
36     | sqlilkey data [probe 1000] 
37     | sqlilkey exit [rc = 0x8009007B = -2146893701 = 
38     | sqlischd entry 
39     | sqlischd data [probe 0] 
40     | sqlischd data [probe 1] 
41     | sqlischd data [probe 2] 
42     | sqlischd data [probe 4] 
43     | sqlischd data [probe 5] 
44     | | sqliufix entry 
45     | | sqliufix data [probe 0] 
46     | | sqliufix exit 
47     | | sqlifix entry 
48     | | | sqlbfix entry 
49     | | | sqlbfix exit 
50     | | sqlifix data [probe 1000] 
51     | | sqlifix exit 
52     | | sqlilkey entry 
53     | | sqlilkey data [probe 0] 
54     | | sqlilkey data [probe 1] 
55     | | | sqliBinSearchFirstRidOrNext entry 
56     | | | sqliBinSearchFirstRidOrNext exit [rc = 
0x8709002C = -2029453268 = SQLI_NOKEY] 
57     | | sqlilkey data [probe 20] 
58     | | sqlilkey data [probe 1000] 
59     | | sqlilkey exit [rc = 0x8709002C = -2029453268 = 
60     | | sqlilidx entry 
61     | | sqlilidx data [probe 0] 
62     | | sqlilidx data [probe 1] 
63     | | sqlilidx data [probe 2] 
64     | | sqlilidx data [probe 1000] 
65     | | sqlilidx data [probe 1001] 
66     | | sqlilidx exit 
67     | sqlischd data [probe 1000] 
68     | sqlischd data [probe 1001] 
69     | sqlischd exit [rc = 1] 
70     | sqlirfix entry 
71     | sqlirfix data [probe 0] 
72     | | sqliufix entry 
73     | | sqliufix data [probe 0] 
74     | | sqliufix data [probe 113] 
75     | | | sqlbufix entry 
76     | | | sqlbufix exit 
77     | | sqliufix exit 
78     | sqlirfix exit 
- new iteration - 
79     sqlischd data [probe 10] 
80     sqlischd data [probe 11] 
81     sqlischd data [probe 12] 
This problem can also lead to a SQLI_NOKEY problem when an index 
key is being updated or deleted from an index.
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              * 
* ALL.                                                         * 
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         * 
* See error description.                                       * 
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              * 
* Upgrade to db2 version 9.1 fix pack 8 or later.              * 
Local Fix:
available fix packs:
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 8  for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 9  for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 10  for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 11  for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 12  for Linux, UNIX and Windows

This problem is first fixed in db2 version 9.1 fix pack 8.
not known / see Local fix
forerunner  : APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following: IZ56782 IC62383 
follow-up : 
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) FixList