DB2 - Problem description
Problem IC63582 | Status: Closed |
asncap can hang in sqlpALR_LoadUserBuffer() | |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
asncap can hang with this stack of serving db2agent: 0x0900000008B0ED80 sqlpALR_LoadUserBuffer__FP9SQLP_DBCBP10SQLP_ALRCBPcPUiN24 + 0x15E0 0x0900000008E86B4C sqlp_AsyncLogReadAPI__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbUiP8SQLP_LSNT3PcT2 P14SQLP_RLOG_INFOT2P5sqlca + 0xF3C 0x0900000008E85B1C sqlpReadLogInternalAPI__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbUiP8SQLP_LSNT3Pc T2P14SQLP_RLOG_INFOT2P5sqlca + 0xF0 0x09000000085B5C68 sqlpReadLogDRDA__FP5sqldaT1P20sqle_agent_privatecbP5sqlca + 0x110 0x09000000081AE3C4 sqlerKnownProcedure__FiPcPiP5sqldaT4P13sqlerFmpTableP13sqle_agen t_cbP5sqlca - 0xBEC 0x0900000007D9DF00 sqlerCallDL__FP7UCintfcP9UCstpInfo + 0x398 0x0900000007FCD8F0 sqljs_ddm_excsqlstt__FP7UCintfcP14sqljsDDMObject + 0x5C 0x0900000007F28748 sqljsParseRdbAccessed__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14sqljsDDMObjectP7UCint fc + 0x128 0x0900000007FCCB5C sqljsParse__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP7UCintfc + 0x218 0x0900000007F234CC @37@sqljsSqlam__FP7UCintfcP13sqle_agent_cbb + 0x148 0x0900000007F23A50 @37@sqljsDriveRequests__FP13sqle_agent_cbP11UCconHandle + 0xA0 0x0900000007F23BE0 @37@sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP17sqlcc_init_structb + 0xD4 0x0900000007F23D8C sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP17sqlcc_init_struct + 0xA8 0x0900000007EA28A4 sqleRunAgent__FPcUi + 0x298 0x0900000007E0DEE8 sqloCreateEDU__FPFPcUi_vPcUlP13SQLO_EDU_INFOPi + 0x330 Any application invoking the external Asynchronous Log Reader interface db2ReadLog with iFilterOption = DB2READLOG_FILTER_ON can hang in an infinite loop in sqlpALR_LoadUserBuffer if the call happens to coincide with a forced log truncate (e.g. ARCHIVE LOG, end of online backup, or SET WRITE SUSPEND), and the truncation occurs on the last possible page of an extent. The hang can be resolved by an instance recycle but not by a "force application" command. | |
Problem Summary: | |
See Error description field for more information. | |
Local Fix: | |
Not available. But users may descrease percentage of problem occurence rate by increasing logfilsiz. | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Solution | |
Problem was first fixed in DB2 UDB Version 9.7 FixPack 1. | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 06.10.2009 04.01.2010 04.01.2010 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.7.FP1 | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |