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DB2 - Problem description

Problem IC63966 Status: Closed


Problem description:
Certain queries can result in a SQL1224 error or instance 
shutdown when the query contains an OR predicate with multiple 
subquery operations. In particular the query must contain the 
following constructs: 
1) An OR predicate is present in the WHERE or ON clause of any 
sub-select within the query. 
2) At least one operand of the OR is a quantified = predicate 
using the ANY/SOME qualifier or a single column IN subquery 
predicate such as '<expression> IN <subquery>', '<expression> = 
ANY(<subquery>)',  or '<expression> = SOME(<subquery>)'. 
3) The <expression> referenced as left hand operand of the 
quantified = predicate or IN subquery predicate from condition 
(2) is a complex expression containing a quantified, IN subquery 
or EXISTS subquery predicate. 
Two example queries are show below with an explanation of what 
parts of the query can be used to identify this issue. 
Example 1 
   1. SELECT * 
   2. FROM   A 
   3. WHERE  a.C1 = 1 
   4.     OR 
   5.        CASE 
   6.               WHEN A.C1 IN 
   7.                            (SELECT DISTINCT B.C1 
   8.                            FROM             B 
   9.                            ) 
  10.               THEN A.C2 
  11.               ELSE 2 
  12.        END 
  13.               IN 
  14.               (SELECT DISTINCT C.C1 
  15.               FROM             C 
  16.               ); 
Lines 3-16 define an OR predicate in the WHERE clause satisfying 
condition 1. Lines 13-16 are a single column IN subquery 
predicate within the OR predicate satisfying condition 2. Lines 
5 through 11 are a complex expression with an IN subquery 
predicate satisfying condition 3. 
Example 2 
   1. SELECT * 
   2. FROM   A 
   3. WHERE  a.C1 = 1 
   4.     OR 
   5.        CASE 
   6.               WHEN EXISTS 
   7.                      (SELECT 1 
   8.                      FROM    B 
   9.                      WHERE   A.c1=b.c1 
  10.                      ) 
  11.               THEN A.C2 
  12.               ELSE 2 
  13.        END 
  14.                  = ANY 
  15.                  (SELECT DISTINCT C.C1 
  16.                  FROM             C 
  17.                  ); 
Lines 3-17 define an OR predicate in the WHERE clause satisfying 
condition 1. Lines 14-17 show a quantified = predicate within 
the OR predicate satisfying condition 2. Lines 5-12 are a 
complex expression with an EXISTS subquery predicate satisfying 
condition 3.
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              * 
* All                                                          * 
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         * 
* Certain queries can result in a SQL1224 error or instance    * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* shutdown when the query contains an OR predicate with        * 
*                                                              * 
* multiple                                                     * 
*                                                              * 
* subquery operations. In particular the query must contain    * 
*                                                              * 
* the                                                          * 
*                                                              * 
* following constructs:                                        * 
*                                                              * 
* 1) An OR predicate is present in the WHERE or ON clause of   * 
*                                                              * 
* any                                                          * 
*                                                              * 
* sub-select within the query.                                 * 
*                                                              * 
* 2) At least one operand of the OR is a quantified =          * 
*                                                              * 
* predicate                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* using the ANY/SOME qualifier or a single column IN subquery  * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* predicate such as '<expression> IN <subquery>',              * 
*                                                              * 
* '<expression> =                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* ANY(<subquery>)',  or '<expression> = SOME(<subquery>)'.     * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* 3) The <expression> referenced as left hand operand of the   * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* quantified = predicate or IN subquery predicate from         * 
*                                                              * 
* condition                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* (2) is a complex expression containing a quantified, IN      * 
*                                                              * 
* subqueryor EXISTS subquery predicate.                        * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*       Two example queries are show below with an explanation * 
*                                                              * 
* of                                                           * 
*                                                              * 
* what  parts of the query can be used to identify this issue. * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*     Example 1                                                * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*      1. SELECT *                                             * 
*                                                              * 
*     2. FROM   A                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*    3. WHERE  a.C1 = 1                                        * 
*                                                              * 
*   4.  OR                                                     * 
*                                                              * 
*  5.    CASE                                                  * 
*                                                              * 
* 6.   WHEN A.C1 IN                                            * 
*                                                              * 
* 7.         (SELECT DISTINCT B.C1                             * 
*                                                              * 
* 8.         FROM        B                                     * 
*                                                              * 
* 9.         )                                                 * 
*                                                              * 
* 10.    THEN A.C2                                             * 
*                                                              * 
* 11.    ELSE 2                                                * 
*                                                              * 
* 12.    END                                                   * 
*                                                              * 
* 13.    IN                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* 14.    (SELECT DISTINCT C.C1                                 * 
*                                                              * 
* 15.    FROM     C                                            * 
*                                                              * 
* 16.    );                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* Lines 3-16 define an OR predicate in the WHERE clause        * 
*                                                              * 
* satisfyingcondition 1. Lines 13-16 are a single column IN    * 
*                                                              * 
* subquery predicate within the OR predicate satisfying        * 
*                                                              * 
* condition 2. Lines 5 through 11 are a complex expression     * 
*                                                              * 
* with an                                                      * 
*                                                              * 
* IN subquery   predicate satisfying condition 3.              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*   Example 2                                                  * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*    1. SELECT *                                               * 
*                                                              * 
*   2. FROM   A                                                * 
*                                                              * 
*         3. WHERE  a.C1 = 1                                   * 
*                                                              * 
*        4.     OR                                             * 
*                                                              * 
*       5.        CASE                                         * 
*                                                              * 
*      6.       WHEN EXISTS                                    * 
*                                                              * 
*     7.      (SELECT 1                                        * 
*                                                              * 
*    8.     FROM   B                                           * 
*                                                              * 
*   9.    WHERE  A.c1=b.c1                                     * 
*                                                              * 
*        10.   )                                               * 
*                                                              * 
*       11.  THEN A.C2                                         * 
*                                                              * 
*      12.        ELSE 2                                       * 
*                                                              * 
*     13.        END                                           * 
*                                                              * 
*    14.   = ANY                                               * 
*                                                              * 
*   15.         (SELECT DISTINCT C.C1                          * 
*                                                              * 
*  16.        FROM        C                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* 17.       );                                                 * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* Lines 3-17 define an OR predicate in the WHERE clause        * 
*                                                              * 
* satisfyingcondition 1. Lines 14-17 show a quantified =       * 
*                                                              * 
* predicate                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* within  the OR predicate satisfying condition 2. Lines 5-12  * 
*                                                              * 
* are                                                          * 
*                                                              * 
* a complex expression with an EXISTS subquery predicate       * 
*                                                              * 
* satisfying condition 3.                                      * 
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              * 
* 1) Convert the single column IN subquery predicate into a    * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* multiple column IN subquery predicate. As in example 1 above * 
*                                                              * 
* we                                                           * 
*                                                              * 
* add lines 5, 14 and 17 shown below                           * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*  1. SELECT *                                                 * 
*                                                              * 
* 2. FROM   A                                                  * 
*                                                              * 
* 3. WHERE  a.C1 = 1                                           * 
*                                                              * 
* 4.     OR                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* 5.   (                                                       * 
*                                                              * 
* 6.   CASE                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* 7.   WHEN A.C1 IN                                            * 
*                                                              * 
* 8.         (SELECT DISTINCT B.C1                             * 
*                                                              * 
* 9.         FROM       B                                      * 
*                                                              * 
* 10.          )                                               * 
*                                                              * 
* 11.    THEN A.C2                                             * 
*                                                              * 
* 12.    ELSE 2                                                * 
*                                                              * 
* 13.    END                                                   * 
*                                                              * 
* 14.    ,1)                                                   * 
*                                                              * 
* 15.    IN                                                    * 
*                                                              * 
* 16.       (SELECT DISTINCT C.C1                              * 
*                                                              * 
* 17.         ,1                                               * 
*                                                              * 
* 18.       FROM        C                                      * 
*                                                              * 
* 19.       );                                                 * 
*                                                              * 
*             2)                                               * 
*                                                              * 
* For a quantified = predicate using the ANY or SOME           * 
*                                                              * 
* quantification this is a synonym for a single column IN      * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
*                                                              * 
* subquery. Convert the quantified = predicate to a            * 
*                                                              * 
* multicolumn                                                  * 
*                                                              * 
* INsubquery predicate as shown above.                         * 
Local Fix:
1) Convert the single column IN subquery predicate into a 
multiple column IN subquery predicate. As in example 1 above we 
add lines 5, 14 and 17 shown below 
   1. SELECT * 
   2. FROM   A 
   3. WHERE  a.C1 = 1 
   4.     OR 
   5.        ( 
   6.               CASE 
   7.                      WHEN A.C1 IN 
   8.                                   (SELECT DISTINCT B.C1 
   9.                                   FROM             B 
  10.                                   ) 
  11.                      THEN A.C2 
  12.                      ELSE 2 
  13.               END 
  14.        ,1) 
  15.        IN 
  16.           (SELECT DISTINCT C.C1 
  17.                           ,1 
  18.           FROM             C 
  19.           ); 
2) For a quantified = predicate using the ANY or SOME 
quantification this is a synonym for a single column IN 
subquery. Convert the quantified = predicate to a multicolumn IN 
subquery predicate as shown above.
available fix packs:
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 3a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 6 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 8 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Problem was first fixed in Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1
not known / see Local fix
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) FixList