DB2 - Problem description
Problem IC64876 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 950 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
Under very rare circumstances a process can dead-latching itsself EDU name : db2agent (DUC8ECX2) 0 <StackTrace> -------Frame------ ------Function + Offset------ 0x0900000008F6022C getConflictComplex__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64FCUl + 0x264 0x0900000008EBCFC8 getConflict__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64FCUl + 0x104 0x09000000098FCC7C sqloltch_ns_track__FCP13sqlo_latch_nsCUlCPCcT2P16SQLO_LATCH_TABL ECbC14SQLO_LT_VALUES@glueA12 + 0x200 0x0900000008EB112C sqldRowInsert__FP8sqeAgentUsT2UcUliPP10SQLD_VALUEP13SQLD_TDATARE CP8SQLZ_RID + 0xF8 0x0900000008EECAC0 sqlrinsr__FP8sqlrr_cbUsT2iT2PP10SQLD_VALUEUlP8SQLZ_RID + 0x90 0x090000000A91E44C insert__16sqlrlCatalogScanFv + 0x25C 0x0900000009D030A8 sqlrlnsr__FiUsT2P10sqlrl_fldsP8SQLZ_RID + 0xF4 0x0900000008319334 xmlcPathsAddToTable__FP8sqlrr_cbPCcUi15SqlzXmlNodeKindPUi + 0x730 0x090000000AA0D2A8 xmlcGetPathIDInternal__FP8sqlrr_cbPCcUi15SqlzXmlNodeKindPUibP11X MLSTORE_CB + 0x210 0x09000000080190EC recreateColumnPathsIndex__13XmlrnNodeInfoFP17xmlDataDescriptor + 0x8C0 0x0900000008017E70 sqldPopulatePathsXIX__FP22SQLD_CREATE_INXPRED_CB + 0x294 0x0900000008F18020 sqldEvalDataPred__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORKPUlP10SQLD_DPRED + 0x414 0x0900000008ED8488 sqldReadNorm__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORKl + 0x80 0x0900000008EB3A88 @101@sqldFetchNext__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORK + 0x19C 0x0900000008EBC3C0 sqldFetchNext__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORK@glueA88 + 0x70 0x0900000008EBC284 sqldfrd__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORK + 0x238 0x0900000008ED7FA8 sqldfrd__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORK@glue4BC + 0x70 0x0900000008EE26A0 sqldRowFetch__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_CCBUlT3PP10SQLD_VALUEP8SQLZ_RIDT 3P12SQLD_ID_LISTP9SQLP_LSN8 + 0x7C 0x09000000085803A8 @101@sqldSerialIndex__FP8sqeAgentP17SQLD_CREATEINX_CBP8SQLD_TCBP 9SQLD_IXCB + 0xB1C 0x090000000857C7D0 sqldCreateIndex__FP8sqeAgentP17SQLD_CREATEINX_CB + 0x1A7C 0x0900000009BB42A0 sqldIndexCreate__FP8sqeAgentP17SQLD_CREATEINX_CB + 0x45C 0x090000000A713DAC sqlrlRecreateSingleIndex__FP8sqlrr_cbUsT2P8sqlrg_idP25sqlyk_keyX form_threadListiPUcT6T7T6T2UcT2P17SQLD_CREATEINX_CB + 0x158 0x090000000A713810 sqlrlRecreateIndexObject__FP8sqlrr_cbP8sqlrg_idP17SQLD_CREATEINX _CBUsT4P25sqlyk_keyXform_threadListP23SqlthJobProgressMonitor + 0x740 0x0900000009BB6490 sqlrlRecreateIndexes__FP8sqlrr_cbUsT2P8sqlrg_idiPUcT5T6T5T2PsUcP 8SqlthJobT2P14SQLP_LOCK_INFOP8SQLP_LSN + 0x9EC 0x0900000009C722B4 sqlrlrci__FP8sqlrr_cbUsT2 + 0x2EC 0x0900000009C71F10 sqlrlrci__FP8sqlrr_cbUsT2@glueD90 + 0x78 0x0900000008F553C8 sqlritaSimplePerm__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x1BC </StackTrace> <LatchInformation> Waiting on latch type: (SQLO_LT_SQLD_APP_CB__inDMSlatch) - Address: (700000250038390), Line: 5587, File: /wsdb/db2_v95fp3/aix64nocc/special_21824/engn/include/sqldinline s.h Holding Latch type: (SQLO_LT_SQLD_APP_CB__inDMSlatch) - Address: (700000250038390), Line: 5587, File: /wsdb/db2_v95fp3/aix64nocc/special_21824/engn/include/sqldinline s.h Holding Latch type: (SQLO_LT_SQLD_TCB__loadInProgress) - Address: (700000262a29498), Line: 6923, File: sqldmcri.C Holding Latch type: (SQLO_LT_SQLP_SAVEPOINTS__spLatch) - Address: (7000002602e6048), Line: 177, File: sqlpsvpt.C </LatchInformation> This only occurs under following very rare circumstances: - corrupted table: document id 0 - index marked bad so that recreate is neccessary. If INDEXREC is set to RESTART, no connections to DB are possible. Use INDEXREC ACCESS to be able to connect to DB. Note: This APAR will not provide a fix to the problem RECREATE INDEX. It will only prevent the deadlatch from happening; it will issue SQLCODE -901 when it detects a problem during RECREATE INDEX that will lead into the deadlatch situation. | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * All * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * see Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to DB2 UDB Version 9.5 FixPak 6. * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
n/a | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 6a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Solution | |
The complete fix for this problem first appears in DB2 UDB Version 9.5 FixPak 6. | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
BUG-Tracking | |
forerunner : APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following: IC64890 follow-up : | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 02.12.2009 14.06.2010 14.06.2010 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.5. | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) |