DB2 - Problem description
Problem IC65541 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 950 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
A operation require SORT services that encounters an error (such as disk full when the sort spills to a temp tablespace, or other legitimate others) might segfault and bring down the instance. You will likely see some kind of legitimate sort related error, like so: 2010-01-01- I45881212A2803 LEVEL: Severe PID : 471692 TID : 14788 PROC : db2sysc 30 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 030 DB : SAMPLE APPHDL : 0-4287 APPID: AUTHID : DB2INST1 EDUID : 14788 EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) 30 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, sort/list services, sqlsusda, probe:50 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk full." DIA8312C Disk was full. DATA #1 : String, 14 bytes SRT file error DATA #2 : Hexdump, 296 bytes 0x0700000010605310 : 0000 0003 0000 0004 0700 0001 1DBC CC80 0x0700000010605320 : 0000 00AA 0000 0000 0700 0000 104F 7A20 0x0700000010605330 : 0001 0005 2F64 6232 6461 7461 2F64 6232 <...skipped...> The stack trace will show stmmStopSortListMonitorOnFailure() near the top of the stack: <StackTrace> @102@3@stmmStopSortListMonitorOnFailure__FP8sqeAgentP10SQLS_SLDE Si + 0x460 .sqlrsinsr__FP8sqlrr_cbP10sqlri_iudo_fdprpro_clone_1685 + 0x3C </StackTrace> <StackTrace> stmmStopSortListMonitorOnFailure__FP8sqeAgentP10SQLS_SLDE sqlsinsr__FP8sqeAgentPcPUcP12sqlri_vectorPP10SQLD_VALUE + 0x44 sqlrsinsr__FP8sqlrr_cbP10sqlri_iudo + 0x44 sqlrisr2__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0xFC sqlischf__FP7SQLI_CBUsUi + 0x184 sqliFirstTreeSearch__FP7SQLI_CBP11SQLI_SFGLOB + 0x4C sqlirdk__FP8sqeAgentP10SQLI_IXPCRP9SQLD_IXCBUlP8SQLD_KEYP12SQLI_ sqldIndexFetch__FP8SQLD_CCBP8SQLZ_RID + 0x38 sqldIndexFetch__FP8SQLD_CCBP8SQLZ_RID@glueC17 + 0x70 sqldRowFetch__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_CCBUlT3PP10SQLD_VALUEP8SQLZ_RIDT sqlritaSimplePerm__FP8sqlrr_cb - 0x4C8 sqlriExecThread__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm@glue10AA + 0x30 sqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0xC sqlriExecThread__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm@glue10AA + 0x3C sqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0xC sqlriExecThread__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm@glue10AA + 0x3C sqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0xC sqlriSectInvoke__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm - 0x814 sqlrr_dss_router__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x464 sqlrr_subagent_router__FP8sqeAgentP12SQLE_DB2RA_T + 0xF68 sqleSubRequestRouter__FP8sqeAgentPUiT2 + 0x7E8 sqleProcessSubRequest__FP8sqeAgent + 0x120 RunEDU__8sqeAgentFv + 0x300 EDUDriver__9sqzEDUObjFv + 0x94 sqloEDUEntry + 0x57C </StackTrace> | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * ALL. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * A operation require SORT services that encounters an * * error(suchas disk full when the sort spills to a temp * * tablespace, orotherlegitimate others) might segfault and * * bring down theinstance.You will likely see some kind of * * legitimate sort relatederror,like * * so:2010-01-01- I45881212A2803 * * LEVEL:SeverePID : 471692 TID : 14788 * * PROC :db2sysc30INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 030 * * DB :SAMPLEAPPHDL : 0-4287 * * APPID: : DB2INST1EDUID * * : 14788 EDUNAME: db2agntp (SAMPLE) * * 30FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, sort/list services, sqlsusda, * * probe:50MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk * * full."DIA8312C Disk was full.DATA #1 : String, 14 bytesSRT * * file errorDATA #2 : Hexdump, 296 bytes0x0700000010605310 : * * 0000 0003 0000 0004 0700 0001 1DBC CC800x0700000010605320 : * * 0000 00AA 0000 0000 0700 0000 104F 7A200x0700000010605330 : * * 0001 0005 2F64 6232 6461 7461 2F64 6232<...skipped...>The * * stack trace will show stmmStopSortListMonitorOnFailure()near * * the top of the * * stack:<StackTrace>@102@3@stmmStopSortListMonitorOnFailure__FP8 * 0x460.sqlrsinsr__FP8sqlrr_cbP10sqlri_iudo_fdprpro_clone_1685 * * +0x3C</StackTrace><StackTrace>stmmStopSortListMonitorOnFailure * +0x44sqlrsinsr__FP8sqlrr_cbP10sqlri_iudo + * * 0x44sqlrisr2__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0xFCsqlischf__FP7SQLI_CBUsUi + * * 0x184sqliFirstTreeSearch__FP7SQLI_CBP11SQLI_SFGLOB + * * 0x4Csqlirdk__FP8sqeAgentP10SQLI_IXPCRP9SQLD_IXCBUlP8SQLD_KEYP1 * + 0x38sqldIndexFetch__FP8SQLD_CCBP8SQLZ_RID@glueC17 + * * 0x70sqldRowFetch__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_CCBUlT3PP10SQLD_VALUEP8SQL * - 0x4C8sqlriExecThread__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm@glue10AA * * + 0x30sqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + * * 0xCsqlriExecThread__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm@glue10AA + * * 0x3Csqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + * * 0xCsqlriExecThread__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm@glue10AA + * * 0x3Csqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + * * 0xCsqlriSectInvoke__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm - * * 0x814sqlrr_dss_router__FP8sqlrr_cb + * * 0x464sqlrr_subagent_router__FP8sqeAgentP12SQLE_DB2RA_T + * * 0xF68sqleSubRequestRouter__FP8sqeAgentPUiT2 + * * 0x7E8sqleProcessSubRequest__FP8sqeAgent + * * 0x120RunEDU__8sqeAgentFv + 0x300EDUDriver__9sqzEDUObjFv + * * 0x94sqloEDUEntry + 0x57C</StackTrace> * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Update to version 9.5 fix pack 6 or later. * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 6a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Solution | |
This problem is first fixed in version 9.5 fix pack 6. | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
BUG-Tracking | |
forerunner : APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following: IC68205 IC68206 follow-up : | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 12.01.2010 25.05.2010 25.05.2010 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.5.FP6 | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) |