DB2 - Problem description
Problem IC71477 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 970 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
Instance panics and crashes with the following message in the db2diag.log 2010-07-27- E58407708A2265 LEVEL: Severe (OS) PID : 2302062 TID : 1 PROC : db2pfchr 1 INSTANCE: dwhprod NODE : 001 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Latch Tracing, SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64::releaseConflictComple, probe:330 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x870F011E=-2029059810=SQLO_LATCH_ERROR_EXPECTED_HELD "expected latch to be held." CALLED : OS, -, unspecified_system_function DATA #1 : String, 39 bytes Attempting to unlock an invalid latch: DATA #2 : File name, 16 bytes sqloLatchCAS64.C DATA #3 : Source file line number, 8 bytes 980 DATA #4 : Codepath, 8 bytes 4 DATA #5 : String, 125 bytes 0x0000000000000000: { held X: 0 reserved for X: 0 shared holders: 0 firstSharIndex: 0x0 firstExclIndex: 0x0 } DATA #6 : LatchMode, PD_TYPE_LATCH_MODE, 8 bytes 0x0 (invalid mode) DATA #7 : String, 394 bytes { state = 0x0000000000000000 = { held X: 0 reserved for X: 0 shared holders: 0 firstSharIndex: 0x0 firstExclIndex: 0x0 } starve X mode = true xWaitCount = 0 requestCount = 0 identity = SQLB_BPD::bpdLatch (38) } DATA #8 : Hexdump, 16 bytes 0x0780000222E869D0 : 0002 2600 0001 0000 0026 0001 0000 0000 ..&......&...... CALLSTCK: [0] 0x090000000305FEC0 dumpDiagInfoAndPanic__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64CFCPCcCUiCUlT3ClT3CiT1T 3T7 + 0x298 [1] 0x090000000305FB44 dumpDiagInfoAndPanic__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64CFCPCcCUiCUlT3ClT3CiT1T 3T7@glueA3 + 0x98 [2] 0x0900000002F0A308 releaseConflictComplex__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64Fv + 0x33C [3] 0x09000000027989A4 sqlbBlockAreaErrorUnchain__FP20SQLB_BLOCK_VICTIM_CBUiP11SQLB_pfM isc + 0x10 [4] 0x0900000002798888 sqlbBlockAreaErrorHandler__FiP20SQLB_BLOCK_VICTIM_CBUiPcP16SQLB_ OBJECT_DESCP11SQLB_pfMisc + 0x24C [5] 0x0900000003308260 sqlbProcessRange__FP16SQLB_OBJECT_DESCUiT2P11SQLB_pfMisc + 0x50C [6] 0x0900000005A62E00 .sqlbServiceRangeRequest__FP11SQLB_pfMisc_fdprpro_clone_263 + 0x11C [7] 0x09000000036B58BC sqlbPFPrefetcherEntryPoint__FPcUi + 0x6C [8] 0x09000000035FB668 sqloCreateEDU__FPFPcUi_vPcUlP13SQLO_EDU_INFOPi + 0x270 [9] 0x09000000035F9AF0 @49@sqloRunGDS__Fv + 0xDC Trap file shows the following function stack trace </Siginfo_t> Signal #36 (SIGPRE): si_code is 0 (SI_USER:Sent by kill, sigsend, raise.) si_pid is 2302062, si_uid is 18, si_value is 00000000 </SignalDetails> 0x09000000033F7200 sqloDumpEDU + 0x14 0x090000000275546C sqle_panic__Fv + 0x34 0x090000000305FEC8 dumpDiagInfoAndPanic__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64CFCPCcCUiCUlT3ClT3CiT1T 3T7 + 0x2A0 0x090000000305FB44 dumpDiagInfoAndPanic__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64CFCPCcCUiCUlT3ClT3CiT1T 3T7@glueA3 + 0x98 0x0900000002F0A308 releaseConflictComplex__17SQLO_SLATCH_CAS64Fv + 0x33C 0x09000000027989A4 sqlbBlockAreaErrorUnchain__FP20SQLB_BLOCK_VICTIM_CBUiP11SQLB_pfM isc + 0x10 0x0900000002798888 sqlbBlockAreaErrorHandler__FiP20SQLB_BLOCK_VICTIM_CBUiPcP16SQLB_ OBJECT_DESCP11SQLB_pfMisc + 0x24C 0x0900000003308260 sqlbProcessRange__FP16SQLB_OBJECT_DESCUiT2P11SQLB_pfMisc + 0x50C 0x0900000005A62E00 .sqlbServiceRangeRequest__FP11SQLB_pfMisc_fdprpro_clone_263 + 0x11C 0x09000000036B58BC sqlbPFPrefetcherEntryPoint__FPcUi + 0x6C <LatchInformation> Holding Latch type: (SQLO_LT_SQLB_HASH_BUCKET_GROUP_HEADER__groupLatch) - Address: (780000245873d00), Line: 2802, File: sqlbpfchr.C Holding Latch type: (SQLO_LT_SQLD_TCB__datExist) - Address: (7800002a1ff28f0), Line: 7786, File: sqldtcb.C </LatchInformation> | |
Problem Summary: | |
Users Effected: All Users Problem Description: Instance crashes with info listed above. | |
Local Fix: | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 4 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Solution | |
First fixed in DB2 Version 9.7, Fix Pack 4 | |
Workaround | |
Upgrade to DB2 Version V9.7 FP4 | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 27.09.2010 02.05.2011 15.09.2011 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.7., 9.7.FP4 | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |