DB2 - Problem description
Problem IC76571 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 910 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
During a data load the instance crashed in sqlbInsertVersionEntry. The crash starts in with a sql0956 error and a message in the db2diag.log shown below. 2011-04-27- I5415490A497 LEVEL: Error PID : 8282808 TID : 1 PROC : db2lfrm0 99 INSTANCE: instprod NODE : 099 APPHDL : 1-1979 APPID: AUTHID : USER FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, sqlbAllocateBuckets, probe:10 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x8B0F0002=-1961951230=SQLO_NOMEM_DBH "No memory available in 'Database Heap'" DIA8302C No memory available in the database heap. Also the stack should look very similar to the following: 0x0900000005CA2258 sqlbInsertVersionEntry__FP16sqlbVersionEntryPP16sqlbVersionEntry T1 + 0x1C 0x0900000005CA1FC0 sqlbCreateVersionEntry__FP16sqlbVersionTableP11SQLB_OBJECTUlbP12 SQLB_GLOBALS + 0x5E8 0x090000000586FE7C sqluCreateShadowObjectDescriptor__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbP16SQL B_OBJECT_DESCP8SQLP_LSNT3UsP12SQLB_GLOBALSUibT7 + 0x220 0x09000000058B06F8 @72@squRebuildIndexes__FP8sqlulacbP8sqlucacbP18SQU_EDU_ESSENTIAL SUcP19sqlu_sort_func_list + 0x2D8 0x09000000063E7058 squBuildIndexes__FP8sqlulacbP8sqlucacbP18SQU_EDU_ESSENTIALSiUcP1 9sqlu_sort_func_list + 0x105C 0x0900000005F55CEC sqluldat__FPUcUi + 0x1438 0x090000000597AB80 sqloCreateEDU__FPFPcUi_vPcUlP13SQLO_EDU_INFOPi + 0x270 0x090000000597912C sqloSpawnEDU + 0x234 0x0900000006479BAC @72@sqlulInitOneEDU__FP8sqlucacbP11SqluEduInfoP12SQLU_EDU_ARGPUc P13SQLO_EDU_INFOUiPFPcUi_vi + 0x138 0x09000000064798DC @72@sqlulInitNFormatters__FP8sqlucacbP11SqluEduInfoP12SQLU_EDU_A RGP13SQLO_EDU_INFOPUi + 0x110 0x09000000064614DC @72@sqlulCreateQAndEDU__FP8sqlucacbP8sqluvlcb + 0x2A4 0x090000000645BFB4 sqluvload__FPUcT1P8SQLP_LSNP7sqlubmhPP15sqlu_media_listT5UcP26sq luCLoadRequestDescriptorP8sqluvlcbPi + 0x1DD4 0x090000000642E988 @72@call_sqluvload__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbP12SQLB_GLOBALSP26sq luCLoadRequestDescriptorP20sqlu_loadapi_load_cbiT5PiT7 + 0xA78 0x09000000065CDB30 sqluLoadPartition__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbP26sqluCLoadRequestDe scriptoriN23PiT6 + 0x788 0x090000000633DA10 iRun__18sqlusCLoadSubAgentFv + 0x244 0x0900000004E90FF4 sqlusSubAgentRouter__FP20sqle_agent_privatecbi + 0x638 0x0900000004E8AAE0 sqleSubRequestRouter__FP13sqle_agent_cbPUiT2 + 0x6CC 0x090000000509E678 sqleProcessSubRequest__FP13sqle_agent_cb + 0x220 0x0900000005456EBC sqleRunAgent__FPcUi + 0x490 0x090000000597AB80 sqloCreateEDU__FPFPcUi_vPcUlP13SQLO_EDU_INFOPi + 0x270 0x09000000059792D0 @49@sqloRunGDS__Fv + 0xDC 0x090000000597B9AC sqloInitEDUServices + 0x178 0x09000000057F0374 @49@sqloSystemControllerMain__FCUiPFv_iPFi_vPPvCPi + 0x72C 0x090000000593139C sqloRunInstance + 0xA8 0x00000001000029F8 DB2main + 0x930 0x0000000100003D50 main + 0x10 | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * Users that are running the load utility and receive an * * sql0956 error. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * During a data load the instance crashed in * * sqlbInsertVersionEntry. The crash starts in with a sql0956 * * error and a message in the db2diag.log shown below. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to DB2 LUW version 9.1 fp11. * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 11 for Linux, UNIX and Windows | |
Solution | |
This APAR is first fixed in version 9.1 fp11. | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
BUG-Tracking | |
forerunner : APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following: IC77185 IC77186 follow-up : | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 23.05.2011 05.01.2012 05.01.2012 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.1.FP11 | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |