DB2 - Problem description
Problem IC77223 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / 950 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
Instance Crash getting the below messages in db2diag.log, when the Application heap attempt to free a null pointer. 2011-06-23- I9447555A583 LEVEL: Error PID : 1900650 TID : 99058 PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: pbodbi01 NODE : 000 DB : BPE APPHDL : 0-15707 APPID: AUTHID : PBODBA01 EDUID : 99058 EDUNAME: db2agent (BPE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, access plan manager, sqlra_sqlC_mem_get_block, probe:30 RETCODE : ZRC=0x8B0F0001=-1961951231=SQLO_NOMEM_APPH "No memory available in 'Application Heap'" DIA8301C No memory available in the application heap. 2011-06-23- I9448139A648 LEVEL: Severe PID : 1900650 TID : 99058 PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: pbodbi01 NODE : 000 DB : BPE APPHDL : 0-9183 APPID: AUTHID : PBODBI01 EDUID : 99058 EDUNAME: db2agent (BPE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, WLM, sqlrwExpandableBuffer::allocateInternalB, probe:10 CALLED : DB2 UDB, WLM, sqlrwExpandableBuffer::allocateInternalB RETCODE : ZRC=0x8B0F0001=-1961951231=SQLO_NOMEM_APPH "No memory available in 'Application Heap'" DIA8301C No memory available in the application heap. 2011-06-23- I9448788A1173 LEVEL: Severe PID : 1900650 TID : 99058 PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: pbodbi01 NODE : 000 DB : BPE APPHDL : 0-9183 APPID: AUTHID : PBODBI01 EDUID : 99058 EDUNAME: db2agent (BPE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqlofmblkEx, probe:40 MESSAGE : Attempted to free NULL pointer. CALLSTCK: [0] 0x090000000373F8FC pdLog@glue335 + 0xA8 [1] 0x09000000034CE6CC sqlofmblkEx + 0x294 [2] 0x09000000054637D4 sqlrwGetThresholdQueueStats__FP8sqlrr_cbP31sqlrwGetThresholdQueu eStatsArgsPPvPl + 0x158 [3] 0x0900000004E5349C sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionResult__FP8sqlrr_cbP20sqlrw_rpc_tf_reque stPPvPl + 0x214 [4] 0x09000000047EF274 sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionMergedResult__FUiPPv + 0x83C [5] 0x0900000004E4EC3C sqlerTrustedRtnCallbackRouter__FUiPPv + 0x254 [6] 0x090000000DFCC540 wlmGetQueueStats + 0x7E0 [7] 0x09000000064F105C sqloInvokeFnArgs + 0xB90 [8] 0x0900000003A0B4A4 sqlriInvokerTrusted__FP10sqlri_ufobP21sqlriRoutineErrorIntf + 0x1040 [9] 0x09000000037FDE04 sqlriInvokeInvoker__FP10sqlri_ufob + 0x90 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- In FODC Trap files. Stack Trace::: -------Frame------ ------Function + Offset------ 0x09000000040F5BCC sqloCrashOnCriticalMemoryValidationFailure + 0x1C 0x09000000040FD974 sqloCrashOnCriticalMemoryValidationFailure@glue5AA + 0x1C 0x090000000359A954 sqlofmblkEx + 0x38 0x09000000054637D4 sqlrwGetThresholdQueueStats__FP8sqlrr_cbP31sqlrwGetThresholdQueu eStatsAr gsPPvPl + 0x158 0x0900000004E5349C sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionResult__FP8sqlrr_cbP20sqlrw_rpc_tf_reque stPPvPl + 0x214 0x09000000047EF274 sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionMergedResult__FUiPPv + 0x83C 0x0900000004E4EC3C sqlerTrustedRtnCallbackRouter__FUiPPv + 0x254 0x090000000DFCC540 wlmGetQueueStats + 0x7E0 0x09000000064F105C sqloInvokeFnArgs + 0xB90 0x0900000003A0B4A4 sqlriInvokerTrusted__FP10sqlri_ufobP21sqlriRoutineErrorIntf + 0x1040 0x09000000037FDE04 sqlriInvokeInvoker__FP10sqlri_ufob + 0x90 0x090000000395A428 sqlriutf__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x130 0x0900000003E0AFDC sqlri_tfopn__FP8sqlrr_cbP9sqlri_tao + 0x1D4 0x09000000034FFC54 sqlriopn__FP8sqlrr_cbP9sqlri_taoPi + 0x75C 0x09000000036D0AB4 sqlriopn__FP8sqlrr_cbP9sqlri_taoPi@glue1C2 + 0x70 0x09000000036D043C sqlrita__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0xC 0x09000000036C0C30 sqlriunn__FP8sqlrr_cbP10sqlri_stob + 0xC 0x09000000036C0EC8 sqlriset__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x7C 0x09000000036ACA40 sqlriSectInvoke__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm - 0x788 0x09000000037722E8 sqlrr_process_fetch_request__FP14db2UCinterface + 0x13C 0x09000000036D64B0 sqlrr_open__FP14db2UCinterfaceP15db2UCCursorInfo + 0x578 0x090000000383A424 sqljs_ddm_opnqry__FP14db2UCinterfaceP13sqljDDMObject + 0x978 0x090000000383999C sqljsParseRdbAccessed__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP13sqljDDMObjectP14db2UC interfac e + 0x4 0x09000000036EADC0 sqljsParse__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinterface - 0x124 0x09000000036EC3F0 @63@sqljsSqlam__FP14db2UCinterfaceP8sqeAgentb + 0x224 0x09000000037B5EF8 @63@sqljsDriveRequests__FP8sqeAgentP14db2UCconHandle + 0x98 0x09000000037B5C04 @63@sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_Tb + 0xE0 0x09000000037B598C sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_T + 0x13C 0x0900000003792850 RunEDU__8sqeAgentFv + 0x11C 0x09000000037925B0 EDUDriver__9sqzEDUObjFv + 0x94 0x090000000378D2EC sqloEDUEntry + 0x54C | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * Users having 95fp8 and below can be effected. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * Instance Crash getting the below messages in db2diag.log, * * when * * the Application heap attempt to free a null pointer. * * * * 2011-06-23- I9447555A583 LEVEL: * * Error * * PID : 1900650 TID : 99058 PROC : * * db2sysc * * 0 * * INSTANCE: pbodbi01 NODE : 000 DB : BPE * * APPHDL : 0-15707 APPID: * * * * AUTHID : PBODBA01 * * EDUID : 99058 EDUNAME: db2agent (BPE) 0 * * FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, access plan manager, * * sqlra_sqlC_mem_get_block, probe:30 * * RETCODE : ZRC=0x8B0F0001=-1961951231=SQLO_NOMEM_APPH * * "No memory available in 'Application Heap'" * * DIA8301C No memory available in the application * * heap. * * * * 2011-06-23- I9448139A648 LEVEL: * * Severe * * PID : 1900650 TID : 99058 PROC : * * db2sysc * * 0 * * INSTANCE: pbodbi01 NODE : 000 DB : BPE * * APPHDL : 0-9183 APPID: * * * * AUTHID : PBODBI01 * * EDUID : 99058 EDUNAME: db2agent (BPE) 0 * * FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, WLM, * * sqlrwExpandableBuffer::allocateInternalB, probe:10 * * CALLED : DB2 UDB, WLM, * * sqlrwExpandableBuffer::allocateInternalB * * RETCODE : ZRC=0x8B0F0001=-1961951231=SQLO_NOMEM_APPH * * "No memory available in 'Application Heap'" * * DIA8301C No memory available in the application * * heap. * * * * 2011-06-23- I9448788A1173 LEVEL: * * Severe * * PID : 1900650 TID : 99058 PROC : * * db2sysc * * 0 * * INSTANCE: pbodbi01 NODE : 000 DB : BPE * * APPHDL : 0-9183 APPID: * * * * AUTHID : PBODBI01 * * EDUID : 99058 EDUNAME: db2agent (BPE) 0 * * FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqlofmblkEx, * * probe:40 * * MESSAGE : Attempted to free NULL pointer. * * CALLSTCK: * * [0] 0x090000000373F8FC pdLog@glue335 + 0xA8 * * [1] 0x09000000034CE6CC sqlofmblkEx + 0x294 * * [2] 0x09000000054637D4 * * sqlrwGetThresholdQueueStats__FP8sqlrr_cbP31sqlrwGetThreshold * * Queu * * eStatsArgsPPvPl * * + 0x158 * * [3] 0x0900000004E5349C * * sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionResult__FP8sqlrr_cbP20sqlrw_rpc_tf_r * * eque * * stPPvPl * * + 0x214 * * [4] 0x09000000047EF274 * * sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionMergedResult__FUiPPv + 0x83C * * [5] 0x0900000004E4EC3C * * sqlerTrustedRtnCallbackRouter__FUiPPv + * * 0x254 * * [6] 0x090000000DFCC540 wlmGetQueueStats + 0x7E0 * * [7] 0x09000000064F105C sqloInvokeFnArgs + 0xB90 * * [8] 0x0900000003A0B4A4 * * sqlriInvokerTrusted__FP10sqlri_ufobP21sqlriRoutineErrorIntf * * + * * 0x1040 * * [9] 0x09000000037FDE04 sqlriInvokeInvoker__FP10sqlri_ufob * * + * * 0x90 * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------ * * ---- * * -------------------------------- * * * * In FODC Trap files. * * * * Stack Trace::: * * * * * * * * -------Frame------ ------Function + Offset------ * * * * 0x09000000040F5BCC * * sqloCrashOnCriticalMemoryValidationFailure + * * 0x1C * * 0x09000000040FD974 * * sqloCrashOnCriticalMemoryValidationFailure@glue5AA + * * 0x1C * * * * 0x090000000359A954 sqlofmblkEx + 0x38 * * * * 0x09000000054637D4 * * * * sqlrwGetThresholdQueueStats__FP8sqlrr_cbP31sqlrwGetThreshold * * Queu * * eStatsAr * * gsPPvPl + 0x158 * * * * 0x0900000004E5349C * * * * sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionResult__FP8sqlrr_cbP20sqlrw_rpc_tf_r * * eque * * stPPvPl * * * * + 0x214 * * * * 0x09000000047EF274 * * sqlrwGetWLMTableFunctionMergedResult__FUiPPv * * + 0x83C * * 0x0900000004E4EC3C sqlerTrustedRtnCallbackRouter__FUiPPv + * * 0x254 * * * * 0x090000000DFCC540 wlmGetQueueStats + 0x7E0 * * * * 0x09000000064F105C sqloInvokeFnArgs + 0xB90 * * * * 0x0900000003A0B4A4 * * * * sqlriInvokerTrusted__FP10sqlri_ufobP21sqlriRoutineErrorIntf * * + * * 0x1040 * * 0x09000000037FDE04 sqlriInvokeInvoker__FP10sqlri_ufob + 0x90 * * * * 0x090000000395A428 sqlriutf__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x130 * * * * 0x0900000003E0AFDC sqlri_tfopn__FP8sqlrr_cbP9sqlri_tao + * * 0x1D4 * * * * 0x09000000034FFC54 sqlriopn__FP8sqlrr_cbP9sqlri_taoPi + * * 0x75C * * * * 0x09000000036D0AB4 * * sqlriopn__FP8sqlrr_cbP9sqlri_taoPi@glue1C2 + * * 0x70 * * 0x09000000036D043C sqlrita__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0xC * * * * 0x09000000036C0C30 sqlriunn__FP8sqlrr_cbP10sqlri_stob + 0xC * * * * 0x09000000036C0EC8 sqlriset__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x7C * * * * 0x09000000036ACA40 * * sqlriSectInvoke__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm - * * 0x788 * * 0x09000000037722E8 * * sqlrr_process_fetch_request__FP14db2UCinterface + * * 0x13C * * * * 0x09000000036D64B0 * * sqlrr_open__FP14db2UCinterfaceP15db2UCCursorInfo + * * 0x578 * * * * 0x090000000383A424 * * sqljs_ddm_opnqry__FP14db2UCinterfaceP13sqljDDMObject * * + 0x978 * * * * 0x090000000383999C * * * * sqljsParseRdbAccessed__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP13sqljDDMObjectP14d * * b2UC * * interfac * * e + 0x4 * * * * 0x09000000036EADC0 * * sqljsParse__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinterface - * * 0x124 * * * * 0x09000000036EC3F0 * * @63@sqljsSqlam__FP14db2UCinterfaceP8sqeAgentb * * + 0x224 * * 0x09000000037B5EF8 * * @63@sqljsDriveRequests__FP8sqeAgentP14db2UCconHandle * * + 0x98 * * * * 0x09000000037B5C04 * * @63@sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_Tb + * * 0xE0 * * * * 0x09000000037B598C sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_T * * + * * 0x13C * * 0x0900000003792850 RunEDU__8sqeAgentFv + 0x11C * * * * 0x09000000037925B0 EDUDriver__9sqzEDUObjFv + 0x94 * * * * 0x090000000378D2EC sqloEDUEntry + 0x54C * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to DB2V95fp9 * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Version 9.5 Fix Pack 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Solution | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 29.06.2011 08.03.2012 08.03.2012 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.5.FP9 | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |