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  • CURSOR Service Distribution

    CURSOR Service Distribution

    24x7 Always Up

  • Logistics and transportation

    Logistics and transportation

    24x7 Always Up

  • Industrial environments

    Industrial environments

    24x7 Always Up

  • Trade and commerce

    Trade and commerce

    24x7 Always Up

  • Online shopping

    Online shopping

    24x7 Always Up

  • We care about your databases

    We care about your databases

    24x7 Always Up


Erik Stahlhut

CURSOR Service Distribution

Latest News

We have combined our service and support capabilities for high-performance databases with the system-oriented tool development of Nonne & Schneider.

Starting July 4th, 2024, you can find us under one roof: CURSOR Expert Solutions GmbH.

CURSOR Expert Solutions will seamlessly continue all business activities of Nonne & Schneider, but will also take over the development of the CURSOR Admin-Scout. Our extensive portfolio of services and support will in future be offered via CURSOR Expert Solutions.

This consolidates our expertise in Solution Management, both personnel-wise and organizationally, at one location. The executive board will be expanded with Erik Stahlhut, and „XPS“ will remain as a subsidiary within the CURSOR Software AG group in Giessen.

For customers and partners of CURSOR Service Distribution, initially, little will change. All active contracts and agreements remain valid. Your points of contact do not change.

All service offerings available on our website will continue to be available.
The contact details remain the same, just get in touch with us.


Monitoring Monitoring


  • Companies with existentially important databases trust in our Informix Monitoring. We prevent system failures before they occur.

  • Automated monitoring around the clock. Early detection of bottlenecks based on history data with our CURSOR Admin-Scout.

  • Administration for all installation sizes. Standard, remote or standby administration, up to 24x7 availability for systems with high availability.

  • Individual adjustments to the service levels of our customers with short response times and personal contact persons in support.

Discover more about Informix Monitoring with the CURSOR Service Distribution!



  • Requirements from all areas of data management. Service packages or individually agreed projects like:
    • Setup of replications or high availability systems;
    • Performance, runtime analysis, tuning;
    • Release, platform or cloud migration;
    • Access control, encryption, archiving.
  • CURSOR Service Distribution is a long-standing IBM High-Value Service Provider for IBM Informix.

  • Specially for Informix we offer additional online seminars, workshops and training courses.

Information about service and support, so feel free to contact us with your project!



  • Request for support services for IBM databases. Our customers benefit from the competence of more than 25 years of Informix support and system-oriented development of database tools.

  • In case of support we are the first and central contact persons. We have a direct line to the IBM and HCL support departments and are available for our customers with 24x7 agreements around the clock.

  • Even Informix customers without active IBM product maintenance can take advantage of our first-aid support.

Book a support ticket on our website or just call us!

IBM Software

for manufacturers

and technology partners

IBM Embedded Solution Agreement (ESA)
integration of IBM software into your solution!

  • Integrate IBM software into your solution!

  • Benefit from the power of IBM software, take advantage of the attractive conditions for IBM licenses and maintenance!

  • The employees of CURSOR Service Distribution have twenty years of experience in indirect sales of IBM software (OEM/ASL/ESA licensing). We show you how to become an IBM ESA Business Partner!

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in Informix Administration



Admin-Scout for Informix

esa bp werden blue 1000x100

esa bp werden blue 1000x100



  • The Informix tool right from CURSOR Informix Support.

  • Developed by administrators for administrators.

    With a background of over 25 years of Informix support, administration and system-oriented programming, we have been developing and distributing the Admin Scout since 2015.

  • By our Managed Service approach, the Admin Scout is suitable for almost all application areas of the Informix database system. Our customers are IT departments and administrators in commerce, banks, universities, trade and industry.


About us

the CURSOR Service Distribution

  • High-Value Service Provider for IBM Informix.

  • Distribution for IBM Data-Management Software (OEM/ASL/ESA licensing for ISVs).

CURSOR Service Distribution is a business unit of CURSOR Software AG, resulting from the acquisition of the Informix and development tool specialist "Nonne & Schneider" at the end of 2005.

We offer extensive technical services for IBM Informix, and as a high-value service provider we are the direct contact for all our customers' service needs for these databases.

Our services are independent from licensing through our company. Well-known customers rely on our monitoring and use our tools, while licensing and update maintenance are contracted directly with IBM.


CURSOR Software AG

For over 25 years CURSOR has been developing and marketing CRM solutions for the upper middle class and large concerns.

  • Together.
    Together with you we will lead your CRM project to success. Our experts offer comprehensive services from a single source: software development, consulting, software introduction, training, support - and the ongoing optimization of your CRM system.

  • Inspiring.
    We "live" CRM and want to inspire you with CRM software and services Made in Germany. The benchmark for this is the enthusiasm and loyalty of our customers - and their customers.

  • Successful.
    For 30 years the name CURSOR has stood for excellent customer and business process management - CRM and BPM. We measure our success by the satisfaction and market success of our customers. Learn more about successful CRM projects directly from our customers.

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Have problems? - contact us.
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DB2 - Problem description

Problem IC88619 Status: Closed


Problem description:
When new deadlock event monitoring is used with history on busy 
systems, it may cause high SYS CPU, latching and performance 
impact to running transactions. 
These are the steps used to enable new deadlock event 
1. db2 connect to <dbname> 
2. db2 update db cfg using mon_deadlock HISTORY 
3. db2 update db cfg using MON_LCK_MSG_LVL 2 
4. db2 "create event monitor <eventmon_name> for locking write 
to unformatted event table (table <schema_name>.<table_name> in 
<tablespace_name> PCTDEACTIVATE 90)" 
5. db2 set event monitor  <eventmon_name> STATE 1 
Stack dumps collected during the issue look like this: 
sqloSpinLockReleaseConflict + 0xBC 
sqloSpinLockReleaseConflict@glue74 + 0x78 
releaseLatch__12SMemBasePoolFv + 0xC 
sqlofmblkEx + 0x2A0 
sqlrr_cleanup_past_activity__FPP19sqlrr_past_activity@glue1381 + 
sqlrr_cleanup_past_activity_list__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x70 
sqlrr_cleanup_tran_before_DPS__FP8sqlrr_cbiN62PiT9b + 
sqlrrcom__FP8sqlrr_cbiT2 + 0x374 
sqlrr_commit__FP14db2UCinterface + 0xC4 
thread_waitlock@glue833 + 0x98 
sqloXlatchConflict + 0x374 
sqloXlatchConflict@glue1A2 + 0x78 
captureLatch__12SMemBasePoolFv + 0x54 
sqlogmblkEx + 0x270 
sqlrr_activity_allocate_monheap__FP8sqlrr_cbiPPv + 
sqlriGetStmtHistoryInputData__FP8sqlrr_cbbT2 + 0x2F0 
sqlrr_process_execute_request__FP8sqlrr_cbi + 0x254 
sqlrr_execute__FP14db2UCinterfaceP9UCstpInfo + 0x218 
executeSection__10pvmPackageFP5sqlcaUib + 0x83C 
executeQuery__3PVMFUib + 0x1A8 
run__3PVMFv + 0xD1C 
pvm_entry + 0x464 
db2pd -latches output will show waiters for the following latch: 
vmstats output: 
 kthr          memory                         page 
faults           cpu       time 
------- --------------------- 
------------------ ----------- -------- 
  r   b        avm               fre             re    pi    po 
sr    cy    in     sy    cs                  us sy id wa hr mi 
  5   0   44227427     232329     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19136 
447226 146613 27 70  1  1 14:54:32 
  3   0   44237843     220164     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19642 
637742 150012 30 69  0  1 14:54:34 
  3   0   44224064     231840     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19592 
429623 149365 28 70  1  1 14:54:36 
  2   0   44229123     225170     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19951 
392838 145386 26 73  0  1 14:54:38 
  1   0   44236053     217649     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18337 
370967 143991 25 73  1  1 14:54:40 
  2   0   44224091     227491     0     0     0     0      0 
0 20176 
434307 145266 30 69  0  1 14:54:42 
  2   0   44229157     220808     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19545 
441719 142319 27 71  1  1 14:54:44 
  2   0   44224866     223328     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19633 
406209 144418 28 71  0  0 14:54:46 
  3   0   44234431     220387     0     0     0  4357   7462 
0 19146 
410787 144249 26 73  0  1 14:54:48 
  1   0   44229943     224622     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18742 
407306 134669 24 75  1  1 14:54:50 
  1   0   44225729     227109     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18179 
530986 139523 25 74  0  0 14:54:52 
  4   0   44226324     224252     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19299 
452771 141628 29 70  0  0 14:54:54 
  5   0   44230404     218497     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18960 
434550 141010 28 71  1  1 14:54:56 
  3   0   44230367     216868     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18586 
404354 145387 25 73  1  1 14:54:58 
  2   0   44221461     228618     0     0     0  2501   3895 
0 19523 
449963 149634 28 70  1  1 14:55:00 
  1   0   44235237     213978     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18594 
413282 142301 26 72  1  1 14:55:02 
  4   0   44226901     221169     0     0     0     0      0 
0 19663 
392744 145358 28 71  0  1 14:55:04 
  3   0   44224207     222234     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18897 
436398 151382 27 70  1  2 14:55:06 
  1   0   44226700     216937     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18513 
332716 137340 26 72  1  1 14:55:08 
  2   0   44242060     198595     0     0     0     0      0 
0 18739 
342144 142550 25 73  1  1 14:55:10 
and tprof ouput will show the following code paths as high CPU 
 Count  Total Time  % sys Avg Time Min Time Max Time  SVC 
            (msec)   time   (msec)   (msec)   (msec) 
====== =========== ====== ======== ======== ======== 
349058 130109.4667 39.98%   0.3727   0.0007   1.4563 
410691  99536.5384 30.59%   0.2424   0.0013   1.4235 
 61949   6575.3293  2.02%   0.1061   0.0050   2.3843 
334922   2179.7238  0.67%   0.0065   0.0000   0.4175 
   825   1108.8897  0.34%   1.3441   0.0186   5.1333 
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              * 
* All users on DB2 V101 FP1 and ealrier                        * 
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         * 
* See Error Description                                        * 
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              * 
* Upgrade to DB2 V101 FP2                                      * 
Local Fix:
As a temporary workaround, collect deadlock event monitoring 
without history. 
This can be accomplished by updating db cfg mon_deadlock with 
db2 update db cfg using mon_deadlock WITHOUT_HIST
available fix packs:
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3a for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

First Fixed in DB2 V101 FP2
not known / see Local fix
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) FixList FixList