DB2 - Problem description
Problem IC88701 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / A10 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
When CONNECT_PROC variable is set in database configuration, error SQL1224N might occur during: db2 start hadr on db <DATABASE> as standby. Entries that can be found in db2diag.log: 2012-07-30- I16534E581 LEVEL: Error PID : 15622 TID : 140737089890048PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : DB APPHDL : 0-8 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.120730104345 AUTHID : db2inst1 EDUID : 21 EDUNAME: db2agent (DB) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqleagnt_sigsegvh, probe:9 MESSAGE : Error in agent servicing application with PRODUCT SIGNATURE: DATA #1 : Hexdump, 8 bytes 0x0000000200F3696C : 5351 4C30 3930 3736 SQL09076 2012-07-30- I17116E578 LEVEL: Error PID : 15622 TID : 140737089890048PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : DB APPHDL : 0-8 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.120730104345 AUTHID : db2inst1 EDUID : 21 EDUNAME: db2agent (DB) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqleagnt_sigsegvh, probe:10 MESSAGE : Error in agent servicing application with APPLICATION NAME: DATA #1 : Hexdump, 5 bytes 0x0000000200F36842 : 6462 3262 70 db2bp 2012-07-30- I17695E490 LEVEL: Severe PID : 15622 TID : 140737089890048PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: NODE : 000 DB : DB APPHDL : 0-8 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.120730104345 AUTHID : db2inst1 EDUID : 21 EDUNAME: db2agent (DB) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, Query Gateway, sqlqg_signal_handler, probe:10 MESSAGE : DIA0505I Execution of a component signal handling function has begun. 2012-07-30- I18186E225 LEVEL: Severe PID:15622 TID:140737089890048 NODE:000 Title: QG SQLCA Dump File: /db2/home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/FODC_Trap_2012-07-30-12.43.47. 650993_0000/15622.21.000.dump.bin FODC_Trap files are created with following stack: <StackTrace> open__16sqlrlCatalogScanFv + 0x3A8 sqlrlBuildRoleListScanCatalog__FP8sqlrr_cbPUcscUiP13SQLO_MEM_POO LN25P16sqlrlCatalogScanT9P10sqlr_rolesPUi + 0x480 sqlrlcFetchRolesForAuthidsFromDisk__FP8sqlrr_cbPP19sqlrlcRolesRe quiredPUlT3 + 0x140 sqlrlcAuthidsFindRolelist__FP8sqlrr_cbP11sqlr_aainfoUlP13SQLO_ME M_POOLPP19sqlrlcRolesRequiredPUlT6T3 + 0x748 sqlrlcRequestRolelistsForAuthid__FP8sqlrr_cbP11sqlr_aainfobN23 + 0x1010 @97@sqlrr_rds_common_pre1__FP14db2UCinterfaceiT2Ui + 0x25F4 sqlrr_sql_request_pre__FP14db2UCinterfaceUiiP16db2UCprepareInfoP 15db2UCCursorInfo + 0x53C sqlrr_execimmd__FP14db2UCinterfaceP16db2UCprepareInfo + 0x100 sqlrr_callConnectProc__FP14db2UCinterfaceb + 0x454 sqljsPostProcessingConnectAttach__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinter facei + 0x308 sqljsConnectAttach__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinterface + 0x1C4 sqljs_ddm_accsec__FP14db2UCinterfaceP13sqljDDMObject + 0x384 sqljsParseConnect__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP13sqljDDMObjectP14db2UCinte rface + 0x5C sqljsParse.fdpr.clone.2104__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinterfaceP8 sqeAgentb + 0x12EC @73@sqljsSqlam__FP14db2UCinterfaceP8sqeAgentb + 0x2BC @73@sqljsDriveRequests__FP8sqeAgentP14db2UCconHandle + 0xB4 @73@sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_Tb + 0x45C sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_T + 0x21C RunEDU__8sqeAgentFv + 0x584 EDUDriver__9sqzEDUObjFv + 0x13C sqlzRunEDU__FPcUi + 0x10 sqloEDUEntry + 0x264 </StackTrace> | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * All * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Update to DB2 10.1 Fix Pack 2 * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
To circumvent the error, disable the connection procedure parameter by setting CONNECT_PROC to NULL in database configuration. | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Solution | |
Problem was first fix in DB2 10.1 Fix Pack 2 | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 28.11.2012 04.02.2013 04.02.2013 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | | | |