DB2 - Problem description
Problem IT00826 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / A50 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
SQL0901N is thrown when accessing a newly loaded columnar organized table. The db2diag.log would log messages such as the following: 2014-02-03- I7835161E3375 LEVEL: Error PID : 27711 TID : 140713123636992 PROC : db2sysc INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : IBM APPHDL : 0-494 APPID: applicationID AUTHID : db2inst1 HOSTNAME: myhost EDUID : 3488 EDUNAME: db2agent (IBM) FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, CDE Trace, cdeDiagnosticsFacility, probe:677 DATA #1 : String, 193 bytes AssertionFailedException: An assertion 'isGlobalEncodingApplicable == true' failed. Additional info: global encoding does not apply: column index = 27 Thrown at ../../data/DictColBase.hpp : 677 DATA #2 : Function name in Library, 67 bytes unsigned int ibm_cde::data::DictColBase::getGlobalCodeWidth() const DATA #3 : File name, 26 bytes ../../data/DictColBase.hpp CALLSTCK: (Static functions may not be resolved correctly, as they are resolved to the nearest symbol) [0] 0x00007FFC726F7BA6 _ZN7ibm_cde8services6Tracer9traceDataENS0_11ComponentIDENS0_16Co mmonTraceLevelENS1_10TraceEventEPKcmS6_PKvmRKSbIcSt11char_trait + 0x9C6 [1] 0x00007FFC726C9434 _ZNK7ibm_cde8services13BaseException14traceExceptionENS0_11Compo nentIDEPKc + 0x224 [2] 0x00007FFC6E4B3E04 _ZNK7ibm_cde4data11DictColBase18getGlobalCodeWidthEv + 0x214 [3] 0x00007FFC72BE55AB _ZN7ibm_cde5query21LoadColValueEvaluator4initEv + 0x23B [4] 0x00007FFC72BE4666 _ZN7ibm_cde5query21LoadColValueEvaluatorC1ENS_5types8DataTypeEPN S0_5QueueEPKNS0_10SyntaxTreeEP13SQLO_MEM_POOLPKNS0_19ColumnGrou + 0xA66 [5] 0x00007FFC72BA7F7A _ZN7ibm_cde5query17EvaluationRoutine29formEvaluationRoutineInter nalEPKNS0_10SyntaxTreeERKNS0_14QueryResourcesERNS_4data22TableA + 0xA6ECA [6] 0x00007FFC72BB74DC _ZN7ibm_cde5query17EvaluationRoutine21formEvaluationRoutineEsRNS _4data22TableAccessorAllocatorERKSt3mapIsPNS0_15QueryResultInfo + 0x1AC [7] 0x00007FFC72BF6BBD _ZN7ibm_cde5query9Scheduler19runSingleTableQueryEv + 0x7AD [8] 0x00007FFC72C03305 _ZN7ibm_cde5query9Scheduler8runQueryEv + 0x115 [9] 0x00007FFC72A1D223 _ZN12cdeInterface14initializeDataEP8sqlrr_cbP17sqlriCdeStatement + 0x1413 [10] 0x00007FFC72A1352A _ZN12cdeInterface10IUDExecuteEP8sqlrr_cbP17sqlriCdeStatementRi + 0x6A [11] 0x00007FFC73F86502 _Z11sqlriCdeIUDP8sqlrr_cb + 0x222 [12] 0x00007FFC74AAD41C _Z15sqlriSectInvokeP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm + 0x1CC [13] 0x00007FFC7181E1E4 _Z23sqlrr_execute_immediateP8sqlrr_cbi + 0x544 [14] 0x00007FFC71810CBF _Z14sqlrr_execimmdP14db2UCinterfaceP16db2UCprepareInfo + 0x12F [15] 0x00007FFC70BB68F2 _Z19sqljs_ddm_excsqlimmP14db2UCinterfaceP13sqljDDMObject + 0x552 [16] 0x00007FFC749B68E6 _Z21sqljsParseRdbAccessedP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP13sqljDDMObjectP14db2U Cinterface + 0x3F6 [17] 0x00007FFC749B6CB7 _Z10sqljsParseP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinterfaceP8sqeAgentb + 0x377 [18] 0x00007FFC70B8DEBC /sqllib/lib64/libdb2e.so.1 + 0x40A3EBC [19] 0x00007FFC70B8C3C9 /sqllib/lib64/libdb2e.so.1 + 0x40A23C9 [20] 0x00007FFC70B89449 /sqllib/lib64/libdb2e.so.1 + 0x409F449 [21] 0x00007FFC70B8903B _Z17sqljsDrdaAsDriverP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_T + 0xEB [22] 0x00007FFC708B35E1 _ZN8sqeAgent6RunEDUEv + 0x8B1 [23] 0x00007FFC71E01474 _ZN9sqzEDUObj9EDUDriverEv + 0xF4 [24] 0x00007FFC7165E135 sqloEDUEntry + 0x2F5 [25] 0x00007FFC791B97B6 /lib64/libpthread.so.0 + 0x77B6 [26] 0x00007FFC6B95A9CD clone + 0x6D . . . 2014-02-03- E7841634E807 LEVEL: Error PID : 27711 TID : 140713123636992 PROC : db2sysc INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : IBM APPHDL : 0-494 APPID: applicationID AUTHID : db2inst1 HOSTNAME: myhost EDUID : 3488 EDUNAME: db2agent (IBM) FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, relation data serv, sqlrr_dump_ffdc, probe:30 MESSAGE : ADM14005E The following error occurred: "AppErr". First Occurrence Data Capture (FODC) has been invoked in the following mode: "Automatic". Diagnostic information has been recorded in the directory named "/sqllib/db2dump/FODC_AppErr_2014-02-03- 7711_3488_000/". . . . 2014-02-03- I7844446E909 LEVEL: Severe PID : 27711 TID : 140713123636992 PROC : db2sysc INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : IBM APPHDL : 0-494 APPID: applicationID AUTHID : db2inst1 HOSTNAME: myhost EDUID : 3488 EDUNAME: db2agent (IBM) FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, relation data serv, sqlrr_dump_ffdc, probe:300 DATA #1 : SQLCA, PD_DB2_TYPE_SQLCA, 136 bytes sqlcaid : SQLCA sqlcabc: 136 sqlcode: -901 sqlerrml: 39 sqlerrmc: unexpected error at DictColBase.hpp:677 sqlerrp : SQLCT001 sqlerrd : (1) 0x00000000 (2) 0x00000000 (3) 0x00000000 (4) 0x00000000 (5) 0xFFFFFD5B (6) 0x00000000 sqlwarn : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) sqlstate: The stack of the failing thread would be as follows: sqlzeSqlCode sqlrrSqlCode ibm_cde8services24AssertionFailedException4doneEv ibm_cde4data11DictColBase18getGlobalCodeWidthEv ibm_cde5query21LoadColValueEvaluator4initEv ibm_cde5query21LoadColValueEvaluatorC1ENS_5types8DataTypeEPNS0_5 QueueEPKNS0_10SyntaxTreeEP13SQLO_MEM_POOLPKNS0_19ColumnGroupAcce ssorEPKNS_4data6ColumnEPKNSE_13TableAccessorENS0_3OpTERNS2_22Typ eAllocatorResourcesEbPSt6vectorINS0_30ColumnHitHistoryCounterAli gnedENS_8services9AllocatorISP_EEEPKNS0_18TableScanEvaluatorE ibm_cde5query17EvaluationRoutine29formEvaluationRoutineInternalE PKNS0_10SyntaxTreeERKNS0_14QueryResourcesERNS_4data22TableAccess orAllocatorERNS0_18QueryInfoContainerEsRKSt3mapIsPNS0_15QueryRes ultInfoESt4lessIsENS_8services9AllocatorISt4pairIKsSF_EEEEbP13SQ LO_MEM_POOLRKNS0_10SamplingCBE ibm_cde5query17EvaluationRoutine21formEvaluationRoutineEsRNS_4da ta22TableAccessorAllocatorERKSt3mapIsPNS0_15QueryResultInfoESt4l essIsENS_8services9AllocatorISt4pairIKsS7_EEEERNS0_18QueryInfoCo ntainerEbP13SQLO_MEM_POOLRNS0_21WorkUnitVectorMemInfoEbtRKNS0_10 SamplingCBEPNS0_9SchedulerE ibm_cde5query9Scheduler19runSingleTableQueryEv ibm_cde5query9Scheduler8runQueryEv | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * All * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to DB2 v10.5 FP4. * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
available fix packs: | |
DB2 Cancun Release (also known as Fix Pack 4) for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | |
Solution | |
Fixed in DB2 v10.5 FP4. | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 04.04.2014 15.09.2014 15.09.2014 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |