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Informix - Problem description

Problem IT05536 Status: Closed


INFORMIX SERVER / 5725A3900 / C10 - IDS 12.10
Problem description:
It appears possible that after the smx connection is lost 
between the RSS and it's primary, when the RSS goes to 
reconnect, it can successfully reconnect at the smx level, but 
still leave the server in it's update blocked state.  In the 
MSGPATH file the following messages would be seen. 
First to show the disconnect you'd see the following: 
08:31:53  The SMX connection between high availability servers 
was closed because the 
 peer server was unresponsive for the timeout period (60 seconds 
times the 
 number of retries). 
08:31:53  The SMX connection between high availability servers 
was closed because the 
 peer server was unresponsive for the timeout period (60 seconds 
times the 
 number of retries). 
08:32:00  The SMX connection between high availability servers 
was closed because the 
 peer server was unresponsive for the timeout period (60 seconds 
times the 
 number of retries). 
08:32:01  RSS: Lost connection to pri 
08:32:01  Updates from secondary currently not allowed 
08:32:01  Updates from secondary currently not allowed 
08:32:01  Updates from secondary currently not allowed 
08:32:01  Updates from secondary currently not allowed 
The above shows the smx connection dropping, then the RSS 
reports the connection lost and then the updates blocked 
Now if the updates get left in the blocked state, when the RSS 
connects you would only see something like this for the 
08:32:12  RSS: Reconnected to pri 
However, if the updates were correctly unblocked you should also 
see messages like the following as well: 
08:29:28  Updates from secondary allowed 
08:29:28  Updates from secondary allowed 
08:29:28  Updates from secondary allowed 
08:29:28  Updates from secondary allowed 
Also, in the case where updates are blocked, in onstat -g ath 
there will be an absence of proxySync threads.
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              * 
* Users of updatable MACH11 Cluster.                           * 
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         * 
* See Error Description                                        * 
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              * 
* Update to IDS-12.10.xC5                                      * 
Local Fix:
Problem Fixed In IDS-12.10.xC5
not known / see Local fix
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s)
12.10.xC5 FixList
12.10.xC5.W1 FixList