DB2 - Problem description
Problem IT08584 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / A50 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
pureScale Cleanup could fail if PGRP FILES have zero-size # ls -la /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror total 56 drwxrwxr-x 2 db2inst1 pdxdb2 4096 Jun 18 07:13 . drwxrwsr-t 19 db2inst1 pdxdb2 4096 Jun 14 09:27 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 db2inst1 pdxdb2 4096 Jun 14 09:26 .db2.000.db2host1.pgrp.mirror -rw-rw-r-- 1 db2inst1 pdxdb2 0 Jun 18 07:13 .db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror -rw-rw-r-- 1 db2inst1 pdxdb2 4096 Jun 14 09:23 .idle.997.db2host1.pgrp.mirror -rw-rw-r-- 1 db2inst1 pdxdb2 4096 Jun 14 09:23 .idle.998.db2host1.pgrp.mirror -rw-rw-r-- 1 db2inst1 pdxdb2 4096 Jun 14 09:23 .idle.999.db2host1.pgrp.mirror -rw-rw-r-- 1 db2inst1 pdxdb2 4096 Jun 13 09:44 .primary.900.pgrp.mirror /db2dump/DIAG0000/db2diag.log: 2014-06-26- E10257A2258 LEVEL:Severe PID : 13434882 TID : 1 PROC : db2rocme INSTANCE: NODE : 001 HOSTNAME: db2host1 EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2rocme FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, high avail services, sqlhaMirrorIORead, probe:1564 RETCODE : ZRC=0x8C000003=-1946157053=SQLZ_RC_FILE_IO_ERROR "File I/O error" DATA #1 : SQLHA Mirrored File Pair Structure, PD_TYPE_SQLHA_MIRROR_IO, 2136 bytes mirrorIO->left.path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp mirrorIO->left.handle:0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBB70 : 0000 0003 0000 0008 ........ /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: OPEN /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: LOCKED /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: GOOD mirrorIO->right.path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror mirrorIO->right.handle:0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBF98 : 0000 0004 0000 0008 ........ /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: OPEN /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: LOCKED /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: GOOD File Open Options: 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBFB8 : 0000 0000 0000 0114 ........ DATA #2 : Pointer, 8 bytes 0x0000000000000000 DATA #3 : unsigned integer, 8 bytes 0 DATA #4 : ZRC, PD_TYPE_ZRC, 4 bytes 0x00000000 DATA #5 : ZRC, PD_TYPE_ZRC, 4 bytes 0x00000000 DATA #6 : SQLHA Mirror File Structure, PD_TYPE_SQLHA_MIRROR_FILE, 1064 bytes Object not dumped: Address: 0x0000000000000000 Size: 1064 Reason: Address is NULL DATA #7 : Hex integer, 8 bytes 0x0000000000000114 DATA #8 : Codepath, 8 bytes 2 CALLSTCK: (Static functions may not be resolved correctly, as they are resolved to the nearest symbol) [0] 0x0900000005238994 sqlhaMirrorIORead__FP15SQLHA_MIRROR_IOPPcPUl + 0x174 [1] 0x09000000051DEAA8 sqlhaMirrorIORead__FP15SQLHA_MIRROR_IOPPcPUl + 0x148 [2] 0x09000000051DCA34 sqloPGRPReadVersioned + 0x54 [3] 0x09000000051DC4DC sqloReadPGRPFile + 0x348 [4] 0x0000000100014A30 sqlhaDB2KillNode + 0x13D0 [5] 0x0000000100004878 main + 0x1FB8 [6] 0x00000001000002F8 __start + 0x70 2014-06-26- E12516A1828 LEVEL:Severe PID : 13434882 TID : 1 PROC : db2rocme INSTANCE: NODE : 001 HOSTNAME: db2host1 EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2rocme FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloPGRPReadVersioned, probe:1166 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x8C000003=-1946157053=SQLZ_RC_FILE_IO_ERROR "File I/O error" DATA #1 : SQLHA Mirrored File Pair Structure, PD_TYPE_SQLHA_MIRROR_IO, 2136 bytes mirrorIO->left.path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp mirrorIO->left.handle:0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBB70 : 0000 0003 0000 0008 ........ /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: OPEN /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: LOCKED /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: GOOD mirrorIO->right.path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror mirrorIO->right.handle:0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBF98 : 0000 0004 0000 0008 ........ /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: OPEN /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: LOCKED /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: GOOD File Open Options: 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBFB8 : 0000 0000 0000 0114 ........ DATA #2 : Pointer, 8 bytes 0x0fffffffffffcec0 DATA #3 : unsigned integer, 8 bytes 0 CALLSTCK: (Static functions may not be resolved correctly, as they are resolved to the nearest symbol) [0] 0x090000000523A80C sqloPGRPReadVersioned + 0x6C [1] 0x09000000051DCA34 sqloPGRPReadVersioned + 0x54 [2] 0x09000000051DC4DC sqloReadPGRPFile + 0x348 [3] 0x0000000100014A30 sqlhaDB2KillNode + 0x13D0 [4] 0x0000000100004878 main + 0x1FB8 [5] 0x00000001000002F8 __start + 0x70 2014-06-26- E14345A1409 LEVEL: Severe PID : 13434882 TID : 1 PROC : db2rocme INSTANCE: NODE : 001 HOSTNAME: db2host1 EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2rocme FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloReadPGRPFile, probe:1630 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x8C000003=-1946157053=SQLZ_RC_FILE_IO_ERROR "File I/O error" DATA #1 : String, 33 bytes Error reading process group file. DATA #2 : SQLHA Mirrored File Pair Structure, PD_TYPE_SQLHA_MIRROR_IO, 2136 bytes mirrorIO->left.path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp mirrorIO->left.handle:0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBB70 : 0000 0003 0000 0008 ........ /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: OPEN /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: LOCKED /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlha/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp->state: GOOD mirrorIO->right.path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror mirrorIO->right.handle:0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBF98 : 0000 0004 0000 0008 ........ /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: OPEN /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: LOCKED /home/db2inst1/sqllib/ctrlhamirror/.db2.001.db2host1.pgrp.mirror ->state: GOOD File Open Options: 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBFB8 : 0000 0000 0000 0114 ........ 2014-06-26- I15755A477 LEVEL: Error PID : 13434882 TID : 1 PROC : db2rocme INSTANCE: NODE : 001 HOSTNAME: db2host1 EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2rocme FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, high avail services, sqlhaDB2KillNode, probe:1217 MESSAGE : ZRC=0x8C000003=-1946157053=SQLZ_RC_FILE_IO_ERROR "File I/O error" DATA #1 : String, 61 bytes process group file cannot be read - attempting to force stop. | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * All Platforms * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to DB2 LUW v10.5 Fixpack 7 or Later. * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
if the node cannot join back as seen its OpUsabilityState is 0 by lsrsrc -Ab IBM.PeerNode Name OpState OpUsabilityState Resource Persistent and Dynamic Attributes for IBM.PeerNode resource 1: Name = "db2host1" OpState = 1 OpUsabilityState = 0 export CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE=2 runact -s "Name like 'db2host1'" IBM.PeerNode SetOpUsabilityState StateValue=1 export CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE= | |
Solution | |
First Fixed in DB2 LUW v10.5 Fixpack 7. | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 28.04.2015 28.01.2016 28.01.2016 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |