DB2 - Problem description
Problem IT08888 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / A50 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
SQL0901N "unexpected error at HashTable.hpp:2944" with the following stack and db2diag.log info: FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, CDE Trace, cdeDiagnosticsFacility, probe:2944 DATA #1 : String, 156 bytes AssertionFailedException: An assertion 'retVal <= 32' failed. Additional info: too big hash table 2810534239 33 Thrown at ../../groupby/HashTable.hpp : 2944 DATA #2 : Function name in Library, 89 bytes static unsigned long ibm_cde::query::HashTableUtility::getLogHashTableSize(unsigned long) DATA #3 : File name, 27 bytes ../../groupby/HashTable.hpp CALLSTCK: (Static functions may not be resolved correctly, as they are resolved to the nearest symbol) [0] 0x00007FFFEDC76B10 _ZN7ibm_cde8services6Tracer9traceDataENS0_11ComponentIDENS0_16Co mmonTraceLevelENS1_10TraceEventEPKcmS6_PKvmRKSbIcSt11char_trait + 0x710 [1] 0x00007FFFF198160B _ZNK7ibm_cde8services13BaseException14traceExceptionENS0_11Compo nentIDEPKc + 0x22B [2] 0x00007FFFF197F887 _ZN7ibm_cde8services24AssertionFailedException17constructAndThro wENS0_11ComponentIDEPKcmS4_S4_RKNS0_16CdeOStringStreamE + 0x97 [3] 0x00007FFFEE688A37 _ZN7ibm_cde5query16HashTableUtility19getLogHashTableSizeEm + 0x107 [4] 0x00007FFFEF7DEC12 _ZN7ibm_cde5query13JoinSpillInfo19configNumPartitionsElljjjjjjll jjjjjj + 0x1402 [5] 0x00007FFFEE60E6ED _ZN7ibm_cde5query17EvaluationRoutine29formEvaluationRoutineInter nalEPKNS0_10SyntaxTreeERKNS0_14QueryResourcesERNS_4data22TableA + 0x47ADD [6] 0x00007FFFEE5C63A1 _ZN7ibm_cde5query17EvaluationRoutine21formEvaluationRoutineEsRNS _4data22TableAccessorAllocatorERKSt3mapIsPNS0_15QueryResultInfo + 0x201 [7] 0x00007FFFF1B2DEDB _ZN7ibm_cde5query9Scheduler19runSingleTableQueryEv + 0x57B [8] 0x00007FFFF1B33B0F _ZN7ibm_cde5query9Scheduler8runQueryEv + 0x34F [9] 0x00007FFFF1B309B6 _ZN7ibm_cde5query9Scheduler18runSchedThreadTaskEPvPi + 0xE6 [10] 0x00007FFFF1B37681 _ZN7ibm_cde5query17cdeEntryPointImplEP8sqeAgentPvS3_ + 0x71 [11] 0x00007FFFF1AE6244 _ZN12cdeInterface16startCdeSubagentEP8sqeAgent + 0x84 [12] 0x00007FFFF0C648C1 _Z14sqlriInvokeCdeP8sqlrr_cb + 0x41 [13] 0x00007FFFF37FE157 _Z15sqlriSectInvokeP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm + 0x1B7 [14] 0x00007FFFF0A7A2F9 _Z16sqlrr_smp_routerP8sqlrr_cb + 0x2B9 | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * Users running DB2 9.7 before Fix Pack 7 * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade DB2 9.7 to Fix Pack 7 * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
Solution | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 13.05.2015 04.02.2016 04.02.2016 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
9.7. | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |