DB2 - Problem description
Problem IT12367 | Status: Closed |
product: | |
DB2 FOR LUW / DB2FORLUW / A50 - DB2 | |
Problem description: | |
Application error reporting SQL0901N may occur when performing a hash join. The following message may be seen in the db2diag.log: 2015-05-10- I9790004A894 LEVEL: Severe PID : 38732176 TID : 49040 PROC : db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : DBNAME APPHDL : 0-59506 APPID: AUTHID : db2inst1 HOSTNAME: db2_host EDUID : 49040 EDUNAME: db2agent (DBNAME) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, relation data serv, sqlrr_dump_ffdc, probe:300 DATA #1 : SQLCA, PD_DB2_TYPE_SQLCA, 136 bytes sqlcaid : SQLCA sqlcabc: 136 sqlcode: -901 sqlerrml: 24 sqlerrmc: unsuccessful FlushBlocks sqlerrp : SQLRI0FD sqlerrd : (1) 0x00000000 (2) 0x00000000 (3) 0x00000000 (4) 0x00000000 (5) 0xFFFFF296 (6) 0x00000000 sqlwarn : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) sqlstate: The Stack Trace created may show: -------Frame------ ------Function + Offset------ 0x0900000000557F94 pthread_kill + 0xD4 0x0900000006C769F0 sqloDumpEDU + 0xD0 0x0900000006116D44 sqldDumpContext__FP9sqeBsuEduiN42PCcPvT2 + 0x104 0x090000000798C964 sqlrr_dump_ffdc__FP8sqlrr_cbiT2 + 0x52C 0x090000000798A38C sqlzeDumpFFDC__FP8sqeAgentUiP5sqlcai + 0x28 0x090000000798A530 sqlzeSqlCode__FP8sqeAgentUiUlT2P5sqlcaiUsPc + 0xCC 0x090000000798AB60 sqlrrSqlCode + 0xCC 0x0900000007B0EDDC sqlri_hsjnPartitionFull__FP8sqlrr_cblP25sqlri_hsjnPartitionBucke tP11sqlri_hsjnoP18sqlri_shared_hsjno + 0x5A8 0x0900000007B0E550 sqlri_hsjnPartitionFull__FP8sqlrr_cblP25sqlri_hsjnPartitionBucke tP11sqlri_hsjnoP18sqlri_shared_hsjno@glue4A4 + 0x44 0x09000000065125AC sqlrihsjnProbePD__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x2E0 0x0900000007C8D130 sqldEvalDataPred__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORKPUlP10SQLD_DPRED + 0x308 0x0900000007C8C830 .sqldReadNorm.fdpr.clone.232__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORKl + 0x540 0x0900000007C8B9A0 @113@sqldFetchNext__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORK + 0x26C 0x0900000007BB5220 sqldfrd__FP13SQLD_DFM_WORK + 0x16F0 0x0900000007BB6AAC sqldRowFetch__FP8sqeAgentP8SQLD_CCBUlT3PP10SQLD_VALUEP8SQLZ_RIDT 3P12SQLD_ID_LISTP9SQLP_LSN8 + 0x100 0x0900000007CA2C70 sqlritaSimplePerm__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x4A0 0x0900000007C988B4 sqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x664 0x0900000007C9BD70 sqlrihsjn__FP8sqlrr_cb + 0x30 0x0900000007CA44E8 sqlriSectInvoke__FP8sqlrr_cbP12sqlri_opparm + 0x24 0x0900000007C45774 sqlrr_process_fetch_request__FP14db2UCinterface + 0x190 0x0900000006CD5CF8 sqlrr_open__FP14db2UCinterfaceP15db2UCCursorInfo + 0x1750 0x0900000007B22E24 sqljs_ddm_opnqry__FP14db2UCinterfaceP13sqljDDMObject + 0x1D6C 0x0900000007C0AFA8 sqljsParseRdbAccessed__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP13sqljDDMObjectP14db2UC interface + 0x1C0 0x0900000007C09204 .sqljsParse.fdpr.clone.82__FP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinterfaceP8s qeAgentb + 0x1BD8 0x0900000007C11674 @73@sqljsSqlam__FP14db2UCinterfaceP8sqeAgentb + 0x2E8 0x0900000007799EE4 @73@sqljsDriveRequests__FP8sqeAgentP14db2UCconHandle + 0xB4 0x090000000779A93C @73@sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_Tb + 0x558 0x0900000007799BB0 sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_T + 0x21C 0x0900000007999E64 RunEDU__8sqeAgentFv + 0x594 0x0900000007999114 EDUDriver__9sqzEDUObjFv + 0x13C 0x0900000007998F9C sqlzRunEDU__FPcUi + 0x10 0x09000000079AC6BC sqloEDUEntry + 0x264 | |
Problem Summary: | |
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * All DB2 LUW Users * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * See Error Description * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * * Upgrade to DB2 10.5 Fix Pack 7 * **************************************************************** | |
Local Fix: | |
Solution | |
First fixed in DB2 LUW 10.5 Fix Pack 7 | |
Workaround | |
not known / see Local fix | |
Timestamps | |
Date - problem reported : Date - problem closed : Date - last modified : | 19.11.2015 19.01.2016 19.01.2016 |
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos) | |
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s) | | |