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Informix - Problem description

Problem IT41062 Status: Closed


INFORMIX SERVER / 5725A3900 / E10 - 
Problem description:
A simple table having only one column, a serial column, is all
that is required to see this
problem when the threads are inserting into and querying from
the table while the
admin task 'defragment partnum' is run.

Examples of failures:

10:08:06  page header, slot table and stamp: page 0x54d16000
slottab 0x551397f8
page header
0000000054d16000: 470b0000 0200e956 00000000 1800e407   G......V
0000000054d16010: 00000000 00000000                     ........
slot table and stamp
0000000054d167fc: cc5d6000                              .]`.
10:08:06  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC8WE

10:08:06  Assert Failed: Page Check Error in btsearch:bad slot
10:08:06   Who: Session(170, informix@hostname, 2592,
                Thread(208, sqlexec, 4617c828, 1)
                File: rsdebug.c Line: 1146
10:08:06   Results: Possible inconsistencies in
10:08:06   Action: Run 'oncheck -cDI db:"informix".tab3'

10:08:06  Stack for thread: 208 sqlexec

0x00000000014cfead (oninit) afstack
0x00000000014cd869 (oninit) afhandler
0x00000000014ca5a2 (oninit) affail_interface
0x0000000000eedddd (oninit) slotfail
0x0000000000e2d178 (oninit) btsearch
0x0000000000dd104f (oninit) kposition
0x0000000000dcf550 (oninit) rsstart
0x00000000015ad6ce (oninit) fmstart
0x0000000000bd9b47 (oninit) indexaggs
0x0000000000bd6c27 (oninit) group_open
0x0000000000872391 (oninit) prepselect
0x000000000060586d (oninit) excommand
0x0000000000aafba8 (oninit) sq_exselect
0x0000000000b93e2e (oninit) sqmain
0x0000000001603a79 (oninit) spawn_thread
0x00000000014bcfb3 (oninit) th_init_initgls
0x00000000015054cf (oninit) startup

10:10:50  Assert Failed: ptmap
10:10:50  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC8WE
10:10:50   Who: Session(166, informix@hostname, 2592,
                Thread(204, sqlexec, 46177728, 11)
                File: rspartn.c Line: 3848
10:10:50   Results: Could not complete operation on

10:10:50  ptmap: bad pagenum = 169832 -- only 960 pages
10:10:50  ptmap(partnum 200046, logpage 169832) error

10:10:50  Stack for thread: 204 sqlexec

0x00000000014cfead (oninit) afstack
0x00000000014cd869 (oninit) afhandler
0x00000000014ca5a2 (oninit) affail_interface
0x0000000000de04ef (oninit) ptmapx
0x0000000000e71990 (oninit) buffget
0x0000000000e2897a (oninit) bt_fast_buffget
0x0000000000d8bd03 (oninit) btset_pos_at_item
0x0000000000d8ef2f (oninit) rsidxscan_read
0x00000000015bd47a (oninit) fmidxscan_read_single_row
0x0000000000864a20 (oninit) readidx_new
0x000000000085d67f (oninit) gettupl
0x0000000000858047 (oninit) scan_next
0x00000000008735ef (oninit) getrow
0x000000000087335e (oninit) fetchrow
0x0000000000608084 (oninit) exfetch
0x0000000000ab5c4d (oninit) sql_nfetch
0x0000000000ab5524 (oninit) sq_nfetch
0x0000000000b93e2e (oninit) sqmain
0x0000000001603a79 (oninit) spawn_thread
0x00000000014bcfb3 (oninit) th_init_initgls
0x00000000015054cf (oninit) startup

10:10:43  Assert Failed: No Exception Handler
10:10:43  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC8WE
10:10:43   Who: Session(395, informix@hostname, 32106,
                Thread(433, sqlexec, 46176e28, 8)
                File: mtex.c Line: 569
10:10:43   Results: Exception Caught. Type: MT_EX_OS, Context:

10:10:43  Stack for thread: 433 sqlexec

0x00000000014cfead (oninit) afstack
0x00000000014d2c99 (oninit) mt_ex_throw_sig
0x00000000014d4890 (oninit) afsig_handler
0x00007f63957e25e0 (Linux) 
0x00007f63944eee34 (/usr/lib64/libc-2.17.so) __memcmp_sse4_1
0x00000000016fd6fc (oninit) bycmpr
0x0000000000e48fe9 (oninit) bycompare
0x0000000000e43139 (oninit) btcpybck
0x0000000000e449b5 (oninit) btusearch
0x0000000000e366a3 (oninit) btadditem
0x0000000000e382af (oninit) rsbtadditem
0x00000000015cd3ed (oninit) fm_idxinsert
0x00000000015a714d (oninit) fmwrite
0x000000000071cf43 (oninit) aud_sqiswrite
0x000000000090c213 (oninit) chkrowcons
0x00000000008ade31 (oninit) addone
0x00000000008aa591 (oninit) ins1row
0x00000000008acdcb (oninit) insone_next
0x0000000000917430 (oninit) doinsert
0x00000000007218d5 (oninit) aud_doinsert
0x0000000000607535 (oninit) excommand
0x0000000000aaf15c (oninit) sq_execute_workhorse
0x0000000000aaf995 (oninit) sq_execute
0x0000000000b93e2e (oninit) sqmain
0x0000000001603a79 (oninit) spawn_thread
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
* Users of Informix Server prior to 14.10.xC9W1.               *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
* See Error Description                                        *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
* Upgrade to Informix Server 14.10.xC9W1.                      *
Local Fix:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
* Users of Informix Server prior to 14.10.xC9W1.               *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
* See Error Description                                        *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
* Upgrade to Informix Server 14.10.xC9W1.                      *
Fixed in Informix Server 14.10.xC9W1.
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s)