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Informix - Problem description

Problem IT41654 Status: Closed


INFORMIX SERVER / 5725A3900 / E10 - 
Problem description:
When we try to do a massive parallel activity on the same table
it can create a bottleneck "mutex wait pt_partnum"

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1
days 20:01:47 -- 239764 Kbytes
 355      4eaf5d90         46d6e128         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 356      47c3fd90         46d74428         1    cond wait
netnorm     13cpu         sqlexec
 357      4faa1d48         46d64828         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 358      4ea94178         46d70e28         1    cond wait
netnorm     13cpu         sqlexec
 359      4ee6e0d0         46d6d828         1    running
9cpu         sqlexec
 360      4ee83808         46d63f28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 361      4ee6c958         46d6bd28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 362      4ee66a00         46d6ab28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 363      4ee82178         46d73b28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 364      4ee5f8b0         46d71728         1    cond wait
netnorm     12cpu         sqlexec
 365      4eebf028         46d60028         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7    1cpu         sqlexec
 366      4ee93760         46d6a228         1    cond wait
netnorm      1cpu         sqlexec
 367      4ec5c028         46d69928         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 368      4ecfd610         46d63628         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 369      4ebd8d48         46d6cf28         1    cond wait
netnorm     13cpu         sqlexec
 370      4eb514c0         46d6b428         1    running
1cpu         sqlexec
 371      4eb99bf8         46d6f328         1    cond wait
netnorm     12cpu         sqlexec
 372      4eaec370         46d61b28         1    cond wait
netnorm     13cpu         sqlexec
 373      4eb72aa8         46d5f728         1    running
11cpu         sqlexec
 374      4ed1a220         46d73228         1    running
10cpu         sqlexec
 375      4ed52958         46d60928         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 376      506740d0         46d6c628         1    running
14cpu         sqlexec
 377      5024e808         46d72928         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 378      50331028         46d70528         1    cond wait
netnorm      1cpu         sqlexec
 379      5029a6b8         46d6ea28         1    cond wait
netnorm     12cpu         sqlexec
 380      502be028         46d65128         1    cond wait
netnorm     13cpu         sqlexec
 381      50620568         46d72028         1    running
12cpu         sqlexec
 382      5036cca0         46d6fc28         1    cond wait
netnorm     14cpu         sqlexec
 383      50361418         46d66328         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e7   13cpu         sqlexec
 384      51fdad00         46d61228         1    running
8cpu         sqlexec

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1
days 20:01:49 -- 239764 Kbytes
 355      4eaf5d90         46d6e128         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   10cpu         sqlexec
 356      47c3fd90         46d74428         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 357      4faa1d48         46d64828         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    1cpu         sqlexec
 358      4ea94178         46d70e28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 359      4ee6e0d0         46d6d828         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 360      4ee83808         46d63f28         1    running
13cpu         sqlexec
 361      4ee6c958         46d6bd28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   14cpu         sqlexec
 362      4ee66a00         46d6ab28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   12cpu         sqlexec
 363      4ee82178         46d73b28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   13cpu         sqlexec
 364      4ee5f8b0         46d71728         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 365      4eebf028         46d60028         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 366      4ee93760         46d6a228         1    running
11cpu         sqlexec
 367      4ec5c028         46d69928         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    1cpu         sqlexec
 368      4ecfd610         46d63628         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   13cpu         sqlexec
 369      4ebd8d48         46d6cf28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   12cpu         sqlexec
 370      4eb514c0         46d6b428         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   10cpu         sqlexec
 371      4eb99bf8         46d6f328         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    1cpu         sqlexec
 372      4eaec370         46d61b28         1    running
9cpu         sqlexec
 373      4eb72aa8         46d5f728         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 374      4ed1a220         46d73228         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   12cpu         sqlexec
 375      4ed52958         46d60928         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   10cpu         sqlexec
 376      506740d0         46d6c628         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 377      5024e808         46d72928         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 378      50331028         46d70528         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    1cpu         sqlexec
 379      5029a6b8         46d6ea28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   12cpu         sqlexec
 380      502be028         46d65128         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    1cpu         sqlexec
 381      50620568         46d72028         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   12cpu         sqlexec
 382      5036cca0         46d6fc28         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   10cpu         sqlexec
 383      50361418         46d66328         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6    8cpu         sqlexec
 384      51fdad00         46d61228         1    mutex wait
pt_1001e6   10cpu         sqlexec

I am able to reproduce on a table with (10)  fragments and
without fragments.
I see larger no of mutex wait for a particular select query on a
single table with or without fragment.

for f in run*/*stk*;do awk '/mt_lock $/{i=1;next}i{print ;n++;
i--}END{print "Sum: " n}' $f|sort|uniq -c; echo; done

  25 0x00000001001addc0 (oninit)isenter
  23 0x00000001001af4cc (oninit)rspsclose
   8 0x00000001001b53e0 (oninit)IPRA.$flfree
   4 0x00000001001b6430 (oninit)get_leadpartp
  10 0x00000001001ca44c (oninit)ptfree
   9 0x00000001001cc3c4 (oninit)ptalloc
   1 Sum: 79

  11 0x00000001001addc0 (oninit)isenter
  28 0x00000001001af4cc (oninit)rspsclose
  14 0x00000001001b53e0 (oninit)IPRA.$flfree
  11 0x00000001001b6430 (oninit)get_leadpartp
   6 0x00000001001ca44c (oninit)ptfree
  12 0x00000001001cc3c4 (oninit)ptalloc
   1 Sum: 82

  20 0x00000001001addc0 (oninit)isenter
  27 0x00000001001af4cc (oninit)rspsclose
   7 0x00000001001b53e0 (oninit)IPRA.$flfree
   9 0x00000001001b6430 (oninit)get_leadpartp
   4 0x00000001001ca44c (oninit)ptfree
  16 0x00000001001cc3c4 (oninit)ptalloc
   1 Sum: 83
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
* Users of Informix Server prior to 14.10.FC10.                *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
* See Error Description                                        *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
* Upgrade to Informix Server 14.10.FC10.                       *
Local Fix:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
* Users of Informix Server prior to 14.10.FC10.                *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
* See Error Description                                        *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
* Upgrade to Informix Server 14.10.FC10.                       *
Fixed in Informix Server 14.10.FC10.
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s)