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Informix - Problem description

Problem IT41784 Status: Closed

Error 410 when executing a select with connect by using an lvarchar from
base table

INFORMIX SERVER / 5725A3900 / E10 - 
Problem description:
Getting a SQL error on server. At first glance the issue seems
to be related to the "col3 lvarchar" column.
Tried to modify the column as "col3 char(2048)" it works. And
with the "col3 lvarchar" column it is not working and getting
sql error

Output -

> create table table_a1
    col1_id serial not null,
    col2_id integer,
    col3 lvarchar,
    col4 char(1),
> > > > > >     col5 integer,
    col6 char(1),
    col7 datetime year to second,
    col8 char(15),
    col9 char(1),
    col10 char(1),
    col11 integer,
    col12 integer
  ) extent size 32768 next size 32768 lock mode row;

begin work;

lock table table_a1 in exclusive mode;

> > > > > > > >
Table created.

> >
Started transaction.

> >
Table locked.

> > load from table_a1 insert into table_a1;

commit work;
2 row(s) loaded.

> >

Data committed.

> select n.* , level, connect_by_isleaf
from table_a1 n
start with col2_id = 224960  and col10 = 'Y'
connect by prior col1_id = col11 ;> > >

  410: Prepare statement failed or was not executed.
Error in line 4
Near character position 30

Product Version : IDS 14.10.xC8
Tested in : IDS 14.10.xC8
Problem Summary:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
* Users of Informix Server 14.10.xC7 and 14.10.xC8.            *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
* See Error Description                                        *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
* Upgrade to Informix Server 14.10.xC9.                        *
Local Fix:
* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
* Users of Informix Server 14.10.xC7 and 14.10.xC8.            *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
* See Error Description                                        *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
* Upgrade to Informix Server 14.10.xC9.                        *
Fixed in Informix Server 14.10.xC9.
Date  - problem reported    :
Date  - problem closed      :
Date  - last modified       :
Problem solved at the following versions (IBM BugInfos)
Problem solved according to the fixlist(s) of the following version(s)