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                            MACHINE SPECIFIC NOTES
                 IBM Informix Database Server 11.70.FC1 PRODUCT RELEASE
                             ON SUN SOLARIS 64bit
                               DATE: 30 Sep 2010

OS Information : Built on Solaris 10 release update 6.

System Requirements

1.  This product was built on Solaris 10 using the following compilers
    from Sun Studio 12:

       Sun C 5.9 SunOS_sparc Patch 124867-09 2008/11/25
       Sun C++ 5.9 SunOS_sparc Patch 124863-11 2009/03/10

2.  Solaris patch information for the IBM Informix Database Server

    Install the recommended patch cluster for your OS version.
    The cluster is available at http://sunsolve.Sun.COM/.

3.  IBM Informix Database Server is supported to work with and without Zones
    on Solaris 10. Read the following document for more information:

4.  The UNIX graphical tools provided with this release require 64-bit
    X Windows System X11R6 and Motif 2.1 or later runtime libraries.

    If these tools cannot find the location of the X and Motif shared
    libraries, set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include
    these locations: /usr/openwin/lib/sparcv9 and /usr/dt/lib/sparcv9.

5.  The High Performance Loader utilities, onpload and ipload, require a
    minimum of 35 MB of memory and 70 MB of swap space in order to run.

6.  IBM Informix Database Server uses the libraries and utilities provided by
    the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) for data encryption and Secure Sockets
    Layer (SSL) communication. The GSKit is bundled with the server and will
    be installed on your machine as part of the server installation process.
    Here are more details on the GSKit:

       a. The GSKit is also bundled with other IBM products and might
          already be present on your machine. If GSKit8 is not
          installed, IBM Informix Database Server will install GSKit in
          /opt/ibm/gsk8_64 directory on your machine.

       b. The GSKit installation directory must have 35 MB of free disk space.

Check the following web site for the latest Solaris system requirements
for IBM Informix Database Server:

System Configuration

1.  Kernel Parameters

    a) On Solaris 10, all System V IPC facilities are either automatically
       configured or can be controlled by resource controls.

       The resource controls have the following default values on Solaris 10:

           process.max-sem-nsems    512
           project.max-sem-ids      128
           project.max-shm-memory   1/4 of physical memory
           project.max-shm-ids      128

       Check project.max-shm-memory on your system, IBM recommend the value
       of 4398046511104 for the IBM Informix Database Server.

       On systems that have zones enabled, zone-wide resource controls are
       specified in the zone configuration.

       Refer to the rctladm(1m) man page for more information about
       available resource controls.


       1. To display the current value of project.max-shm-memory set to the
          project and system wide, where IBM Informix Database Server is
          running under the default project, run this command:

          # prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -i project default

       2. To display the values of all the resource controls for a specific
          IBM Informix Database Server process, run this command:

          # prctl <oninit pid>

       3. To set the value of project.max-shm-memory for the project default
          to 4 TB without restarting the system, run this command:

          # prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -r -v 4tb -i project default

       4. To perform the same action as in example 3, but instead use
          the projmod command to modify the attribute value for
          project.max-shm-memory in /etc/project the local source of
          project information file, run this command:

          # projmod -a -K 'project.max-shm-memory=(priv,4TB,deny)' default

    b) IBM Informix Database Server failure with a Large Intimate Shared
       Memory Page Size

       On certain hardware configurations, Solaris 10 can use very large
       memory pages for Solaris Intimate Shared Memory (ISM): 32 MB or
       256 MB instead of the previous limit of 4 MB. IBM Informix Database
       Server uses Solaris ISM for shared memory segments that are forced to
       be memory-resident by the RESIDENT configuration parameter, however
       IBM Informix Database Server might experience problems if 32 MB or
       256 MB pages are used by Solaris (APAR 36804462).

       If you receive a message that contiguous shared memory segment
       allocation failed and the value of the SHMBASE configuration
       parameter is the same as its value in onconfig.std, then IBM Informix
       Database Server might fail unexpectedly. To prevent this problem, set
       the Solaris 10 operating system mmu_ism_pagesize configuration parameter        to limit the memory pages to 4 MB for ISM. To set this parameter, edit
       the /etc/system file and add the following line:

         set mmu_ism_pagesize = 4194304

       Then restart the Solaris computer.

2.  Location of Shared Memory

    The ONCONFIG variable SHMBASE should be set to the following:

        SHMBASE 0x10A000000L

3.  Environment Variables

    It is recommended that the environment variable INFORMIXSTACKSIZE be
    set to 128 (the default is 64) if the application involves operations
    which would require the IBM Informix Database Server to perform recursive
    database tasks (for example, cascading deletes).

Feature Notes  (alphabetized by feature)

1.  High Performance Loader

    User-defined conversion routines for the High Performance Loader must be
    provided in a dynamic, shared library called This shared
    library is installed in the $INFORMIXDIR/lib directory. You can set the
    location of this file with the HPL_DYNAMIC_LIB_PATH configuration
    parameter in the file pointed to by PLCONFIG environment variable. For
    more details see the "High-Performance Loader User's Guide".

    To create a 64-bit shared library, the flags "-m64" can be used
    to convey to the compiler that a 64-bit object is to be generated.

    Onpload will use shared memory during its execution. It will allocate
    memory beyond the address for the server, leaving room for server shared
    memory expansion.

2.  IPv6 Support

    IBM Informix Server supports Internet Protocol Version 6 (128 Bit Internet
    Addresses) as well as IPv4 (32 Bit Addresses).

    In order for the machine name specified in the SQLHOSTS file to resolve to
    the correct IP address, the name services files on the operating system
    should be correctly configured. If the machine has IPv6 address configured
    and the listener thread is bound to an IPv6 address, then the name
    resolution files /etc/nsswitch.conf should be configured to fetch IPv6
    addresss. Also use the appropriate /etc/hosts setting if local machine
    settings are used.

    For compatibility with older IBM Informix client and server products,
    assign the same hostname with both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address.
    If the listener needs to be bound to an IPv4 address and the name services
    resolve the name in the order of the IPv6 address followed by IPv4 address,
    then an explicit IPv4 address needs to be put in nodename field of SQLHOSTS
    file.  Client applications should also use the same setting.

3.  J/Foundation (Java in the Server)

    J/Foundation supports the JRE 6.0 release from Sun Microsystems, which
    uses the Solaris native threads based Java Virtual Machine.

    The JRE 6.0 is available under $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jre and
    should be used with J/Foundation.

    To use this JRE, set the value of the ONCONFIG variable JVPJAVAHOME as

        JVPJAVAHOME    <jvphome>/jre
            where <jvphome> is $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa

    For developing Java UDRs used with J/Foundation, use the JDK 5.0 which
    can be downloaded from

    For IBM Informix Database Server ONCONFIG settings for J/Foundation,
    refer to "onconfig.std" in $INFORMIXDIR/etc.

4.  Large Memory Addressability (LMA)

    IBM Informix LMA provides the ability to support system configurations
    with greater than 4GB of RAM. Most UNIX systems are limited to 4GB of
    RAM based on the memory addressing limitations of 32-bit architectures.

    The values for the following ONCONFIG parameters are increased from
    32-bit to 64-bit platform by LMA support:

        - The maximum number of buffers in BUFFERPOOL is 536870912.

        - The maximum of LRU queues for lrus field in BUFFERPOOL is 512.

        - The DS_TOTAL_MEMORY, which is the total memory available for
          decision support memory, is only limited by the amount of virtual
          memory available (2^40)/2 MB. The sort memory comes out of the
          DS_TOTAL_MEMORY memory and hence there is no explicit limit on the
          amount of sort memory.

        - The read ahead parameter RA_PAGES is only limited by the number of
          buffers and therefore can be any value less than 536870912. The
          "chunk" write algorithm is not dependent on the amount of buffers or
          shared memory and can write as many pages in a single I/O as possible.

        - The maximum size of any shared memory segment is 4398046511104 bytes.

        - The value for SHMADD is 4294967296 kilobytes.

    Refer to IBM Informix Administrator's Reference manual for the
    information about the related configuration parameters setting.

5.  MQ DataBlade Module

    The MQ DataBlade module provides mechanism for data exchange between
    IBM Informix Database Server and queues managed by Websphere MQ.

    Note: MQ DataBlade module expects Websphere MQ libraries installed in
          the default location /opt/mqm. Otherwise create symbolic links
          from /opt/mqm/lib64 to the 64-bit Websphere MQ libraries.

6.  Network Protocols

    The following protocol(s)/interface(s) are supported on this platform:

      TLI using TCP/IP
      SOCKETS using TCP/IP
      IPC using stream pipe

      To use TLI with TCP/IP:

          a. NETTYPE in the ONCONFIG file and the nettype field in the
             sqlhosts file entry must contain "ontlitcp".

          b. To enable an IBM Data Server Client to connect to Informix
             Database Server, NETTYPE in the ONCONFIG file and the value data
             of protocol in the sqlhosts file entry must contain "drtlitcp"

      To use SOCKETS with TCP/IP:

          a. NETTYPE in the ONCONFIG file and the nettype field in the
              sqlhosts file entry must contain "onsoctcp".

          b. To enable an IBM Data Server Client to connect to Informix
             Database Server, NETTYPE in the ONCONFIG file and the value data
             of protocol in the sqlhosts file entry must contain "drsoctcp"

      If a CLI or JCC client wants to connect to IBM Informix Database Server
      via DRDA while supporting SQLI connections you could add a DBSERVERALIASES      entry to ONCONFIG which corresponds to the sqlhosts file.

      When using either TLI or SOCKETS, set the "connections" field in
      the ONCONFIG NETTYPE parameter and the kernel driver ndd parameter
      "tcp_conn_req_max_q" to the maximum number of expected concurrent

      If the "tcp_conn_req_max_q" is set too low, you will see a client
      error with sqlcode = -908 and isamcode = 13. If the NETTYPE
      "connections" field is set too low, you will see a server
      listener-thread error with err = -25571.

      To use IPC (interprocess communication) with stream pipe:

          a. NETTYPE in the ONCONFIG file and the nettype field in the
             sqlhosts file entry must contain "onipcstr".

    Remote 32-bit applications and tools (example: ESQL/C, 4GL, ISQL) can
    only connect to the IBM Informix Database Server using the TCP/IP

    Local 32-bit applications and tools can connect to the 64-bit server using
    either the TCP/IP or the IPC stream pipe protocols.

    Fast poll is supported with all TCP/IP and stream pipe interfaces.
    FASTPOLL in the ONCONFIG file can be set to 0 to disable the fast poll.
    By default the fast poll is enabled (value is 1).

    The protocol used for supporting MaxConnect on this platform is

7.  OnLine Backup and Restore (ON-Bar)

    Some of the functions invoked by ON-Bar are in a shared library supplied
    by third party storage management vendors. For ON-Bar to access these
    functions, the library must be installed in one of the three ways
    noted below.

        a. Rename the library to $INFORMIXDIR/lib/

        b. Create $INFORMIXDIR/lib/ as a symbolic link to the

        c. Set the BAR_BSALIB_PATH parameter in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG
           to the full pathname of the library.

    This shared library must be compiled in 64-bit mode.

    Informix Interface for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) is supported on this
    platform. The interface is built with TSM API version 5.3.2.

8.  OnSNMP

    The SNMP agent for OnSNMP is based on SNMP Research (SNMPR).

9.  Optical

    The name of the IBM Informix shared library for Optical on Solaris is  This library must be located in $INFORMIXDIR/lib (or must
    have a link provided in $INFORMIXDIR/lib).

    Refer to the "Optical Subsystem Guide" for more information about
    enabling optical functionality.

10. Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM)

    PAM functionality is supported on Solaris operating system. The PAM is
    dependent on the library supplied by the Operating System vendor.

    Use of PAM can be enabled or disabled by the system administrator. By
    default, IBM Informix Database Server will use the traditional
    authentication mechanism in order to avoid widespread changes required by
    the users.

    The PAM service identifies the PAM module. This PAM module typically
    resides in /usr/lib/security and its parameters are listed in

11. Secure Sockets Layer

    IBM Informix Database Server uses the libraries and utilities provided by
    the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

       a. Before uninstalling GSKit, verify that it is not needed on your
          system. It is possible that software other than Informix Database
          Server requires GSKit.  Uninstalling entails removing the GSKit
          packages with the pkgrm command-line tool

          As root user run the pkgrm command to remove each package as
          needed. For example, the following command removes the GSKit
          SSL and GSKit Crypt packages:
          pkgrm gsk8ssl32 gsk8cry32

       b. If you want to restore Secure Sockets Layer capability after you
          have uninstalled GSKit, see the readme file in $INFORMIXDIR/gskit
          for how to install GSKit.

12. Simple Password Communications Support Module

    The name of the IBM Informix shared library for Simple Password CSM on
    Solaris is

Features not supported

Migrating to this 64-bit Version

1.  To migrate to this 64-bit version from previous versions of the server
    (64-bit as well as 32-bit), refer to the migration process described in
    the IBM Informix Migration Guide, Version 11.70.

    To revert from this 64-bit version to all previous 64-bit versions refer
    to the IBM Informix Migration Guide, Version 11.70.

    To revert from 64-bit 11.70 (this server) to 32-bit 11.50, 11.10, 10.00,
    or 9.40:
    a. Disconnect all users from this server. The 64-bit server should be
       in online mode.

    b. Run the following command as user informix or DBA:
            $INFORMIXDIR/etc/conv/ -32

    c. Revert to 9.40, 10.00, 11.10 or 11.50 32-bit by following the steps
       described in the IBM Informix Migration Guide, Version 11.70, in the
       section "Reverting from Database Server 11.70".

2.  All UDRs and DataBlade modules that are built in 32-bit mode must be
    re-compiled in 64-bit mode to work with the 64-bit server. If you have
    any UDRs that were developed on 32-bit, make sure that the proper size
    and alignment of the data structures are used for the UDRs to work
    correctly on 64-bit after re-compilation in 64-bit mode.

Known Defects

Refer to section I in doc/ids_defects_11.70.txt for the information
regarding known issues.

Defects Fixed in current Release

Refer to section II in doc/ids_defects_11.70.txt for the information
regarding defects fixed in this release.

(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2010

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