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IBM Informix Advanced Developer Edition V14.10.xC10

Program ID: 5725-D14

Published date: March 15, 2023

Country: All Countries

Reference: L-QUQF-N92VS6-01-03-2023-zz-en


The Programs listed below are licensed under the following License Information terms and conditions in addition to the Program license terms previously agreed to by Client and IBM. If Client does not have previously agreed to license terms in effect for the Program, the International Program License Agreement (i125-3301-15) applies.

Program Name (Program Number):
IBM Informix Advanced Developer Edition V14.10.xC10 (5725-D14)

The following standard terms apply to Licensee's use of the Program.

Supporting Programs

Licensee is authorized to install and use the Supporting Programs identified below only to support Licensee's use of the Principal Program under this Agreement. The phrase "to support Licensee's use" would only include those uses that are necessary or otherwise directly related to a licensed use of the Principal Program or another Supporting Program. The Supporting Programs may not be used for any other purpose. A Supporting Program may be accompanied by license terms, and those terms, if any, apply to Licensee's use of that Supporting Program. In the event of conflict, the terms in this License Information document supersede the Supporting Program's terms. Licensee must obtain sufficient entitlements to the Program, as a whole, to cover Licensee's installation and use of all of the Supporting Programs, unless separate entitlements are provided within this License Information document. For example, if this Program were licensed on a VPC (Virtual Processor Core) basis and Licensee were to install the Principal Program or a Supporting Program on a 10 VPC machine and another Supporting Program on a second 10 VPC machine, Licensee would be required to obtain 20 VPC entitlements to the Program.

Supporting Programs:
IBM Informix Client SDK V4.50
IBM Informix JDBC/Embedded SQL Driver V4.50

Non-Production Limitation

If the Program is designated as "Non-Production", Licensee can only use the Program as part of Licensee's internal development and test environment for internal non-production activities.

Components Not Used for Establishing Required Entitlements

Licensee may install and use the following Program components, under the license terms, but these components are not used to determine the number of entitlements required for the Program.
IBM Informix Client SDK (CSDK)
IBM Informix ESQL/C Runtime
IBM Informix JDBC Driver/Embedded SQL
IBM Informix Warehouse Accelerator

Modifiable Third Party Code

To the extent, if any, in the NOTICES file IBM identifies third party code as "Modifiable Third Party Code," IBM authorizes Licensee to 1) modify the Modifiable Third Party Code and 2) reverse engineer the Program modules that directly interface with the Modifiable Third Party Code provided that it is only for the purpose of debugging Licensee's modifications to such third party code. IBM's service and support obligations, if any, apply only to the unmodified Program.

The following units of measure may apply to Licensee's use of the Program.

Authorized User

Authorized User is a unit of measure by which the Program can be licensed. An Authorized User is a unique person who is given access to the Program. The Program may be installed on any number of computers or servers and each Authorized User may have simultaneous access to any number of instances of the Program at one time. Licensee must obtain separate, dedicated entitlements for each Authorized User given access to the Program in any manner directly or indirectly (for example: via a multiplexing program, device, or application server) through any means. An entitlement for an Authorized User is unique to that Authorized User and may not be shared, nor may it be reassigned other than for the permanent transfer of the Authorized User entitlement to another person.


All licensing information provided here is for information purposes only and without any warranty!
We refer to the IBM sources as a reference: L-QUQF-N92VS6-01-03-2023-zz-en