IBM Fix mit Bluemix –
Apps in der Cloud entwickeln
IBM erweitert Cloud-Angebote für die Softwareentwicklung in ihrer Platform as a Service-Umgebung BlueMix und gewinnt neue Kunden für Cloud-Services hinzu..
IBM Pressemittileung - Ehningen - 3. Juni 2014 (Auszug):
Große Unternehmen sowie Startups nutzen die offene IBM Cloud-Plattform Bluemix, um eigene Anwendungen und Apps schneller zu entwickeln. Die Platform as a Service Umgebung (PaaS) basiert auf den offenen Standards von Cloud Foundry und bietet die Möglichkeit IBM Middleware und Softwarelösungen von IBM Geschäftspartnern in eigene Anwendungsentwicklungsprojekte zu integrieren. Entwickler können mit diesem PaaS-Angebot die beiden Elemente einer hybriden Cloud effizient vereinen: Systems of Records – also Backendsysteme wie beispielsweise zur Rechnungsstellung und Kundenverwaltung - mit Systems of Engagement, also Interaktionssystemen für mobile und soziale Apps. Bluemix bringt zudem neue DevOps Services in die Cloud, um Anwendungen möglichst praxisnah zu entwickeln. DevOps integriert die Programmierung in den Betrieb der Software und ermöglicht einen schnelleren
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IBM baut ihre Angebote rund um Bluemix weiter aus, damit Unternehmen das Management ihrer hybriden Cloud-Umgebung effizienter gestalten können. Denn die bessere Verknüpfung von Systemen für Datenaufzeichnung und Systemen für Dateneinsatz erhöht die Transparenz zwischen Prozessen wie Lieferung, Feedback, Kostenstruktur, Sicherheit und Qualität. Zu den aktuellen IBM Cloud-Kunden gehören Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größen und Branchen. So beschleunigt der öffentliche Nahverkehrsbetrieb BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) aus San Francisco
mit IBM DevOps die Entwicklung von Apps, um die eigene Verkehrsinfrastruktur wie Züge, Stationen oder Gleisnetze besser zu managen. GE Capital, der Finanzdienstleister von General Electric, entwickelt mit DevOps die eigene Webseite und auch Apps für Predictive-Analytics-Anwendungen. Das Startup MyMenu aus Austin in Texas nutzt Bluemix Cloud-Services, um seine App für Restaurantsuche und Bestellservice sowie deren Bewertung kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln.
GE Capital Accelerates Software Delivery with Cloud-Based DevOps
GE Capital, the financial services unit of General Electric, recently aimed to accelerate software delivery and optimize the resources of top IT talent, allowing them to create innovations such as the company’s Fleet Optimizer, an analytics app which allows vehicle fleet managers to optimize performance. The company built a DevOps platform, deploying build, test and production cloud environments accessible to global teams – drastically increasing visibility through real-time dashboards and continuous feedback, and speeding deployment of predictive analytics apps, websites and other software.
“We built software and apps, such as our award-winning bank – – from scratch in weeks to months – instead of months to years,” said Snehal Antani, CIO of Enterprise Architecture at GE Capital Americas. “By bringing together a strong IT foundation based on DevOps, we can execute and deliver requirements faster – giving us the agility of a startup with the resources of a large enterprise."
FIMC Taps DevOps to Create Customer Mobile Experiences
Financial Insurance Management Corp. (FIMC), an insurance provider offering customized membership programs and services, recognized a need for a high-quality mobile experience to enhance client engagement and improve customer service. Using Bluemix DevOps, IBM business partner PointSource worked with FIMC to build a mobile interface which connects clients to on-premise business applications, giving them access to one-touch roadside assistance, targeted promotions, claim submissions and deductible management, as well as a channel to interact with FIMC via social media for faster and more direct communication.
“Before implementing our mobile platform, our members sometimes did not realize some of their most valued services – such as roadside assistance or discounts – had expired, and we wanted to streamline the renewal process to ensure more continuous service,” said Scott Liberatore, CEO of FIMC. “Now we have an engagement model that reaches members directly, and we’ve increased our customer renewal rate by 30 percent.”
BART Pilots Cloud and DevOps to Bring Critical Data to Mobile Workforce
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is a public, rapid transit system serving the San Francisco Bay Area. Working with IBM Business Partner Synchrony Systems, BART will pilot Bluemix DevOps to reach into the troves of data in its expansive physical infrastructure of 44 stations,104 miles of track, sensors, maintenance systems, trains and more, and plans to use this intelligence to build and deploy a mobile app allowing BART supervisors to track real-time train data via mobile updates. By combining DevOps capabilities with Bluemix’s secure connection to back-end data, BART’s previous estimates as to the time it will take to complete its first mobile app have drastically changed.
“BART has a huge volume of incredibly valuable information living in its infrastructure: from trains to tracks to maintenance reports,” said Slavik Zorin, CEO of Synchrony Systems. “We are looking to the Bluemix DevOps model to give us the tools we need to rapidly tap all of this important data into a new, interactive mobile platform for BART to roll out to its mobile workforce – improving maintenance response and providing better service.”
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