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Informix Editionen - tabellarischer Vergleich

Informix v14.10 Editionen - Funktionen, Features, Limits
  Developer Edition Innovator-C Edition Express
Enterprise Edition Advanced Developer Advanced Enterprise
ifx developer blue 400x100 ifx innovator blue 400x100 ifx express blue 400x100 ifx workgroup blue 400x100 ifx enterprise blue 400x100 ifx advanced blue 400x100 ifx advanced blue 400x100
Valid for version
v14.10.xC1 |
| v14.10.xC2
v14.10.xC1 |
| v14.10.xC2

V14.10 V14.10 V14.10 V14.10
CPU VP / Cores max 1 | 4 1 | 2 4 24 unlimited unlimited unlimited
Memory maximal 1 GB | 16 GB 2 GB | 8 GB 8 GB 32 GB unlimited unlimited unlimited
Storage maximal 8 GB 8 GB | 50 GB unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
TimeSeries / Sensor-Data yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
NoSQL Support yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Encryption at rest yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Label based access control yes no yes yes yes yes yes
High Availability Cluster (H/A) yes no yes yes yes yes yes
Secondarys maximal unlimited no Sec. one Sec. two Sec. unlimited unlimited unlimited
Updatable Secondary yes no yes yes yes yes yes
The ability to execute SQL or NoSQL DML operations (read, write, update, delete) on a H/A cluster secondary node. Note: If SQL or NoSQL DML operations are executed on a secondary instance, the secondary instance must be fully licensed
Continuous Log Restore yes no yes yes yes yes yes
CLR secondary is provided by the ontape and ON-Bar backup utilities
Enterprise Replication (ER) yes no two Sec. yes yes yes yes
Distributed SQL/NoSQL yes no no no yes yes yes
The ability for a SQL/NoSQL session connected to a database in one instance to execute a DML operation using data from another database in a different instance
Parallel operations yes no no no yes yes yes
Parallel operations refers to the ability to execute SQL operations in parallel and includes parallel index build, high-performance loader, and ON-Bar parallel backup, and restore
Table fragmentation yes no no no yes yes yes
Partitioning refers to the ability to fragment a table or index based on logical rules to improve data access and parallel processing
Storage optimization yes no no no yes yes yes
Data Warehouse (IWA) no no no no no yes yes

(Alle Angaben sind unverbindlich und dienen der Information - es besteht kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Für Umfang und Eigenschaften der Produkte, sind die Veröffentlichungen der IBM, die IBM Lizenzbestimmungen, IBM Announcement Letters, die Produktdokumentation und zusätzliche Publikationen des Herstellers maßgeblich.)

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