suche 36x36
  • Admin-Scout (12.09.2019)


    the best tool for Informix administrators

  • Monitoring relaxed (12.09.2019)

    Informix Monitoring

    relaxed - thanks to the CURSOR Informix Team

  • Upgrade (23.10.2019)
    • Innovator-C   2 Cores |   8 GB
    • Developer      4 Cores | 16 GB
    • Workgroup   24 Cores | 32 GB

    Informix 14.10.xC2

    Upgrade for small editions


Informix Licence Calculator

Sprache/Language Deutsch English

You wonder which Informix Edition is the right one for your application?

Our Licence Calculator provides a decision support.

Indicating the target platform and the requested features, you will receive an assessment of possible editions. Please note that the named prices are base prices and serve your orientation. We will provide individual prices and offers to you on request.

All data are based on the Informix version 14.10.xC2

Description of Hardware and Scope of Use
Operating System used
Please select CPU and Server type
and number of sockets in the server
Sockets used
Cores per Socket used
required Users (Authorized User)
Which of the following features do you want to use in your instance?
Info Shared Disk Secondary Info Enterprise Replication
Info High Avalibility Data Replication Info updateable Secondary-Server
Info several RSS/HDR Server Info Fragmentation
Info Parallel Processing Info Data Warehouse Feature
Info Storage Optimization/Compr. Info Advanced Access Control (LBAC)
Info DML, DDL, SQL access to other instances   
PVU Value per Core   PVU-Value total  
You can use the following editions:

* All prices refer to one license of the particular edition according to our price list.

** The base price of new licenses includes 12 months of initial maintenance. The maintenance prices given refers to a period of 12 months of maintenance renewal.

*** The maintenance for a Innovater-C installation can be ordered optional.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

All prices are non-binding. The Informix license calculator has been tested thoroughly. Nevertheless, incorrect calculations can not be excluded. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information and prices. Please seek personal advice from us if interested.

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