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IBM Informix 14.10 - Overview / IBM Solution Brief

Just in time for the release of Informix 14.10, IBM has published a new data sheet for Informix. Read an introduction to performance, enterprise replication, security or smart triggers enhancements - and why Informix is the key database for IOT projects!

You can also download and view the data sheet here.

The high-performance, low-footprint
database for analytics on the edge,
in the cloud and on premises

IBM Informix delivers:

  • Powerful, optimized time series and geospatial data management
  • Automated administration and self-management features
  • Footprints under 100 MB for easy IoT gateway embedding
  • IBM InformixHQ for collaboration and management across multiple instances
  • Integrated in-memory warehouse accelerator (Advanced Enterprise)
IBM Informix 14.10 IBM Solution Brief - Download

Enterprise databases have always been strong when it comes to fast transaction processing and continuous data availability. Informix does this with minimal administration and the highest level of security - in a legendary way.

The Internet of Things (IoT) means new challenges, also for databases. In the future, companies will be confronted with a flood of different data and formats that can be used for analytical monitoring or as a controlling resource.

Many companies have chosen Informix, a solution capable of meeting all their transactional and analytical needs in the enterprise environment as well as in the Internet of Things context. IBM Informix is an easy to integrate, powerful database for processing SQL, NoSQL, JSON, time series or geodata as they occur in the IoT environment. Informix is up and running in minutes and accessible from virtually any desktop, laptop or mobile device. Even when deployed on thousands of devices worldwide, Informix is easy to install and manage. Minimal installation sizes - in some cases less than 100 MB - and the ability to run on distributed devices with a variety of automated management capabilities, make Informix ideal for integration into embedded systems or IoT edge gateways.

Download the IBM Informix 14.10 data sheet here!
In addition to detailed information on the new features, you will also find a table that compares the current editions, Express, Workgroup, Enterprise and Advanced Enterprise.

pdf IBM-Informix-14-Solution-Brief- 2019-04 HOT File Size 244.48 KB Date2019-09-20 Download

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