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Bob Picciano,
General Manager, Information Management, IBM Software Group

Office of the General Manager
Information Management Software
Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
May 2, 2013

Dear Informix Community,

As the new General Manager of IBM Information Management, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to meet
with the Informix community at the recent 2013 International Informix User Group conference. I am truly
excited to be back on the Information Management team at this critical point in our industry. IBM is
committed to delivering software and systems that help our clients achieve rapid value to better serve their
business, and increase operational efficiency to lower costs. An example of this commitment is Informix® 12,
which I had the pleasure of introducing to the conference attendees.

Read the complete letter ...    Bob-Picciano-Letter-to-Informix-Community-May-2013

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