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informix-FUSSSI-unplugt-137x60Abkündigung der FUSSSI Lizenzierung für Informix Produkte und Migration auf AUSI Lizenzen.

  • Die für Informix Installationen weit verbreitete Floating-User Lizenzierung wird abgekündigt und soll 1:2 auf Authorized-User umgestellt werden.
  • Wir diskutieren die Auswirkungen dieser Umstellung ausführlich in unserem
    nächsten Newsletter am 15. Juli!
  • Wenn Sie zu den betroffenen Lizenznehmern gehören, kommen Sie auf uns zu
    und teilen Sie uns Ihre Meinung mit!    [[?php $csag_menu = &JMenu::getInstance('site'); $csag_menu_active = &$csag_menu->getActive(); $csag_menu_stripped = str_replace(" ","-",$csag_menu_active->alias); $csag_qcf_link = '[[a href="/en/component/breezingforms/?ff_name=QuickKontaktFormular&activeurl='.$csag_menu_stripped.'&tmpl=component&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=800&contact=Jürgen-Storch" rel="lightbox" title="Mitteilung an Jürgen Storch"]]Mitteilung senden[[/a]]'; echo $csag_qcf_link; ?]] 


IBM - 09.07.2013

Abkündigung der FUSSSI Lizenzierung für Informix Produkte und Migration auf AUSI Lizenzen.

IBM Informix Software withdrawal selected products

Effective November 12, 2013 , IBM will withdraw from marketing the following products licensed under the IBM nternational Program License Agreement. A replacement product and availability date is listed if one is available.

Informix Choice Edition is being discontinued. Clients with existing Informix Choice Edition entitlements will have their entitlements automatically migrated to Informix Growth Edition. Clients requiring a migration to an product should contact their renewal representative.

The Floating User Single Session Single Install (FUSI) licensing metric is being discontinued. Clients with existing entitlements based on the FUSI metric will automatically be converted to the Authorized User Single Install (AUSI) metric at the rate of two AUSI's per FUSI. Clients requiring a migration to an alternate metric or product should contact their renewal representative.

The JDBC driver is being discontinued as a standalone product. Clients with existing entitlements for the JDBC driver will be automatically migrated to the Client SDK, which now includes the JDBC driver.


 i13-07-09-IBM-Informix-Software-withdrawal-selected-products-(ENUSZP13-0367 09.07.2013).pdf

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