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IIUG Informix Conference 2016 / May 4 – 8
Ponte Vetra Beach, Florida, USA


It's still not too late to register for IIUG 2016 in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, USA from May 4 - 8. There are still hotel rooms available at the LOW conference rate of $189 at the Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort and Spa. You still have time to register to take advantage of the free tutorials on Sunday May 8, which are available to ALL PAID ATTENDEES, as long as you REGISTER.

So YOU HAVEN'T WAITED TOO LONG, yet. The speakers are all lined up, the golf adventures (and there are some) are well into the final planning stages (?), and there is a beach nearby. So why wait any longer? If you wait you will miss the largest gathering of Informix professionals and enthusiasts in the world. We don't want all of this expertise to go to waste while you sit home wondering why you didn't decide to book your flight, hotel room, and register.

IIUG 2016 Conference Planning Committee.



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