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IBM's New Move in Big Data:

Accelaration, Optimization, and an Open Source Alternative

IBM Almaden Labs, San Jose, CA, April 2, 2013 - Announcements Review

In a major, multi-faceted announcement, IBM announced yesterday that it will soon deliver “speed-of-thought” analytics using DB2 “BLU” acceleration, improvements in its Big Insights and Stream products, and a tuned-for-Hadoop PureData System. IBM also announced time series improvements in Informix database line.

What do all of these announcements mean?

Probably the biggest news in IBM’s extensive announcement is the announcement of an analytics accelerator known as “BLU” acceleration. Although classified as an accelerator, to us, BLU acceleration is more like a process that uses a series of steps to analyze a very large database ? delivering results in seconds or less as opposed to hours or days.

The remainder of this report looks at IBM’s announcements more closely.

Clabby Analytics -  April, 2013


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