New Informix 14.10 Certification!
IBM introduces a new certification procedure for Informix administrators. This will fundamentally change procedures and terminology. The previous certifications will no longer be offered.
IBM employee and Informix veteran Carton Doe gives an introduction to the new format and tips on preparing for the test on the Washington Area Informix Users Group website.
The first opportunities to take the new certification will be at the IIUG Virtual Technical Event in early October. For conference attendees, the opportunity for certification is included in the conference fees. Preparatory sessions will be offered by Scott Picket and Carlton Doe.
The exam is proctored and includes 60 questions from 15 topic areas. According to Carlton, the questions are geared toward a solid administrator base knowledge as required in the day-to-day use of Informix. No esoteric questions come up, he says.